

By Jonathan Demme

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1998-10-16
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 51min
  • Director: Jonathan Demme
  • Production Company: Touchstone Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 17.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 102 Ratings


Oprah Winfrey and Danny Glover play the unforgettable lead roles in a powerful, widely acclaimed cinematic triumph from Academy Award(R)-winning director, Jonathan Demme. On a difficult journey to find freedom, Sethe (Winfrey) is constantly confronted by the secrets that have haunted her for years. Then, an old friend from out of her past (Glover) unexpectedly reenters her life. With his help, Sethe may finally be able to rediscover who she is and regain her lost sense of hope. Also featuring outstanding performances from Thandie Newton and Lisa Gay Hamilton.




    FRIDAY FEBRUARY 2 14 (2020)
  • Opportunist

    By BroMuscle
    Putting this moobie on the featured page when her dead body isn’t even in the ground. As for the actual moobie, it’s overrated. I like B.A.P.S better.
  • Do Not Waste Your Time

    By gamboolman
    Can we have negative stars? Perhaps falling stars.... Do not waste you money
  • Underrated masterpiece

    By Trotskii
    Here’s a superb film that’s developed a bit of a reputation for being heavy handed and graphic, basically lacking the lyrical artistry of Toni Morrison’s source material. But that’s not an altogether accurate assessment of this dark, intense exploration of the extremes of human dignity and depravity. Hecuba retold in post-Civil War Cincinnati, this one has all the elements of a great movie. The acting is absolutely startling in intensity. The directing and editing are taught. The script is relatively faithful to Morrison’s great novel, and borrows dialogue from it. The only bit that may detract somewhat from the cohesiveness of the film is the tendency of the director to overdramatize, to exaggerate the supernatural elements of the screenplay. Other than that, you’ve got art here, and it should have been better received by critics than it was. This movie has enjoyed something of a renaissance of late.
  • Excellent

    By Theodora Richardson
    I liked this movie! However, I agree with the other reviewer that one should read the book first to better understand the movie. I believe the movie should have allowed the viewer to hear the thoughts of some of the characters for clarification. But love the book and glad Oprah decided to make the movie!
  • supernatural

    By josh7905
    we had yo read this book for mt english 211 and this book is crazy i would suggest that you read the book first before you watch the movie or you will be confued but the movie will make more sence when you read the book
