The Silence of the Lambs

The Silence of the Lambs

By Jonathan Demme

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 1991-02-14
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 58min
  • Director: Jonathan Demme
  • Production Company: Orion Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 16,622 Ratings


Clarice Starling, a gutsy FBI trainee haunted by her past, risks her life in an attempt to save a missing woman from certain death. The desperate, deadly search for a killer makes Clarice confront her deepest fears as she must confront and befriend convicted psychopathic serial killer Dr. Hannibal 'the Cannibal' Lechter, a monstrous brilliant psychiatrist, who can lead her to the murderer.



  • 💙jodie

    By Facoriolano
    since I was young the best actress is Jodie Foster
  • Misleading

    By 030507
    Not a single lamb in the movie.
  • Classic Thriller

    By givitachance
    The way this movie builds to its climax, the superb acting from all cast involved, and the overall suspense make for a true classic! definitely don’t pass on this one! A must see!!
  • Maybe good during old days....

    By AppSuave
    ive watched it because of the reviews, Dont know what is the hype is all about, movie is boring, 2 hours of talking. ive watch other movies with only talking but ive liked them, but this one is not for me. it has some moments but did not last long.
  • Absolutely chilling!!!

    By spdgtkt
    Anthony Hopkins performance is riveting!!!💯

    By clara riley k
    Ok, so I didn’t purchase this but I watched it on Netflix and OMG. I’m a True Crime junkie but I don’t really like horror and this is great for me! I’m not saying it’s not scary and it isn’t in the traditional way it’s more like suspense and realization. This movie is so well done that it doesn’t need to rely on cheap jump scares or any old tactics to get you frightened. There is slight gore ( I’m fine with gore) and disturbing scenes but you paid for it so... Also when I say realization I mean horrifying realization. Like OMG OMG WAIT OH NOOO. THAT kind of realization. Watch at your own discretion but watch it cause it’s amazing!!
  • Transvestite

    By Broadway Girl l
    Kind of reminds me of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, because Frank and Jame are drag queens who kill
  • Would rather watch.

    By Dhcprouter
    Saw. 0,1,2,3,4,5 Than this movie. And I hate the saw series. It’s disturbing. It’s sick It’s what Hollywood projects every man is like. That all women should know that every man is going to put them into a hole so they can make a skin suit from them. Most disturbing thing is. This man actually existed.
  • Amazing but look wired

    By gayso
    It’s has black little holes
  • I ate his liver witn some father beans and a nice can of tea

    By Nicholas becerra
    The Silence of the Lambs is a wonderful thriller that dosen't involve horror cliches like jump scare stupid movie. The Silence of the Lambs suceeds at every level and it had good acting and very wonderful character writing and Anthony Hopkins being creepy as a psycho at every hand!
