

By Spike Jonze

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2002-12-06
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 54min
  • Director: Spike Jonze
  • Production Company: Columbia Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,533 Ratings


Director Spike Jonze delivers a stunningly original comedy that seamlessly blends fictional characters and situations with the lives of real people: obsessive orchid hunter John Laroche (Cooper), New Yorker journalist Susan Orlean (Streep), Hollywood screenwriter Charlie Kaufman (Cage), and his twin brother, Donald (also Cage). As Charlie struggles to adapt Orlean's best-selling book "The Orchid Thief," he writes himself into his own movie. The various stories crash into one another exploding into a wildly imaginative film. ADAPTATION, the year's most talked about movie, is at once a hilarious drama and a moving comedy.



  • Jonze

    By Semnick01
    The movie has some genious elements when it starts, but the third and last act unfortunately can't manage to hold them, and ends with some depressing tone. However the movie depict well how is a lifework of a screenwriter in Hollywood, and Nicolas Cage did a great acting job!
  • Hall of creative mirrors

    By joehutsko
    What I love about this book is the book in a book aspect, on par with Stephen King's Misery in that regard, but in the postmodernist way that is Charlie Kaufman. I come back to this film again and again, and it always surprises no matter how many times I've watched it.
  • amazing!

    By Sonja Denton
    they way the story plays out is just amazing, no real clear way to describe it!
  • Trick photography...

    By Caletche
    This movie is excellently written, acted, and directed. Charlie Kaufman never fails to write an excellent story. Depressing is not a bad movie trait. And it really isn't a depressing movie. While it definately doesn't end on a happy note, it does end on a hopeful one.
  • Good movie but buyer beware

    By 1stCD
    This is a very good move and a wonderfully creative approach but beware it is certainly a drama (with a comedic set). We bought it with after watching the trailer and reading the description. The last half isn't hilarious or comedic.
  • What starts well does not always end well

    By dave jazz
    This is a depressive movie - so if you are not an inherently cheerful person, and you don't enjoy indulging in the dark stuff, you should not go for this movie. The acting is OK - overall excellent actors in the movie. The story follows the well trodden path of stories about authors with writers cramp - these are often complicated stories, matching the complicated personalities of the leading characters. This is not an easy challenge for script writers and movie directors. A few movies manage it well, like "Stranger than fiction", which comes through with flying colors - perhaps one of the best movies made on the topic, where the viewer shares the laughs and the pain, leaving the movie with a smile. In "Adaptation" there is no smile, it just gets darker. The story starts out well, but stumbles along the way, not making it to the end.
  • Boring and down right waste of time

    By candlelight17
    This movie is boring and a down right waste of time. It is has funny parts but the first hour and a half is drawn out and to top it off the ending is wacky. It leaves whoever wasted their time watching it unimpressed and annoyed. I cannot stress enough how boring this film was and I cannot believe anyone even wasted their time writing it, let alone filming it. It seems a waste.
  • Odd movie. Good, but odd.

    By letsboogiegirls
    Ummm....well I was entertained. It's kind of a strange movie with an odd plot twist, but once again, Meryl Streep gives an absolutley outstanding performance! She won a well deserved Golden Globe for her role in this movie. Way to go Meryl!!
  • A for effort ....Hollywood take note... This aint your formula movie and it works

    By kcdudeabide
    What an interesting and quirky movie... funny and serious.... thanks for something unique and different for a change.... chris cooper is a magnificent and the while i am not usually a nick cage fan... he surprised me with what i think is his best performance since Moonstruck... and Ms Streep reminds us why she is the BEST actress of her generation... the director got the best performances out of a stellar cast and weaved a great story....
  • Worst movie ever!

    By bg89465w986
    I have seen this movie, and I never want to see it again! It wanders aimlessly for hours on end. BOORRRIIINNNNGGGGG! P.S. Out of all the movies that I have seen, I am sorry that this was one of them.
