That Thing You Do!

That Thing You Do!

By Tom Hanks

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2001-06-05
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 47min
  • Director: Tom Hanks
  • Production Company: Clinica Estetico
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 848 Ratings


Tom Hanks writes, directs and co-stars in this refreshing, big-hearted comedy that captures the overnight triumph of an American rock band during the glory days of rock and roll. When a young appliance salesman agrees to fill-in for an injured drummer in a local talent show, four shooting stars are born. Faster than you can say "That Thing You Do," a Play-Tone Records executive (Hanks) signs the group and catapults them to fame as their signature tune skyrockets to the top of the charts!



  • I love it it is so awesome!!!!!!!!

    By irisicecream
    Like what it is omg like super good!!!!!!
  • Modern Classic

    By Share62
    Okay, it’s now 2020 and revisiting this film again after almost 10 years. I have realized this is a great movie with some very catchy songs. I am going back to watch this when I need a pick up. Enjoy!!
  • That movie you do!

    By mariomonrod
    Fun fun fun and great story.
  • Great job

    By Wendi Cupp
    Ah, this movie is such a classic. Highly recommend this for 80s lovers.
  • Bug in the system?

    By TheGreatAndino
    I absolutely love this film and there aren't enough good things to say about it. I few years ago I stumbled upon the Tom Hank's Directors cut and found another version of the film that i enjoyed maybe even more. What confuses me is the directors cut version played from the cloud last week, and now this week its back to the theatrical release when I picked up where I left off. A little confusing why both versions aren't offered and I'm super confused as to how a glitch even happened.
  • Love this movie

    By Westbr00k
    I loved this movie as a teen and had forgotten all about it. Luckily it popped up while browsing for movies. I bought it right away. Such a fun movie!!!
  • Great!

    By GlennBond
    Love this film. Well done by Tom Hanks. Great feel good movie. Love the story. Simple yet interesting. Love the music and the time period it's in. Great characters too. Well done Hanks!
  • My favorite movie of all time

    By Can't get this12586
    Words cannot describe my love for this movie. I grew up watching it, and it continues to make my heart flutter every time I watch it. A classic in my eyes.
  • Great movie, Bad price

    By Music girl😃
    I absolutely LOVE this movie, it's probably one of my favs! The only problem I have (and why I gave 3 stars) is cause of the price. $14.99 for a movie thats 15 years old is ridiculous!
  • Great movie

    By Bitsumi
    Family friendly, big laughs
