The Divergent Series: Insurgent

The Divergent Series: Insurgent

By Robert Schwentke

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2015-03-20
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 58min
  • Director: Robert Schwentke
  • Production Company: Summit Entertainment
  • Production Country: Canada, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 10,066 Ratings


As she searches for allies and answers in the wake of the uprising, Tris and Four are on the run. Being hunted by Jeanine Matthews, the leader of the Erudite faction, Tris and Four will race against time as they try to figure out what Abnegation sacrificed their lives to protect, and why the Erudite leaders will do anything to stop them. Haunted by her past choices but desperate to protect the ones she loves, Tris faces one impossible challenge after another as she unlocks the truth about the past and ultimately the future of her world.



  • Terribly Great!!

    By KatnissTrisPrideen
    While some reviews will say it was a really bad movie, I think it was worth seeing. It was, as I said, terribly good, and I’ll tell you why. Terribly: meaning that it was soooooo much different from the book. They made the plot line entirely different, it didn’t defeat the purpose of the book. The missed a couple of good scenes in the book that should have (and I wanted to see) in the movie, and also changed some of the characters around. (I will give one spoiler. Christina forgives Tris right away in this movie, but not in the book.) One other thing, they added a romantic scene of Tris and Tobias that should’ve been in Allegiant, buuuutttt, it was ok nonetheless. Good: meaning that it was sooooo good even though they changed the plot line a lot. People said there was to much action and war and blah blah blah. I totally disagree. I really thought the fighting scenes were good, and added more excitement to the movie. So sorry for the long review, but to conclude, don’t listen to the haters out there if you really like this series (assuming you’ve read the books. If not, find the series, and read it.) This movie is worth it to see.
  • B

    By Gracie_Lou_82
    I like this series. I kinda wish they would’ve finished it. I never read the book. Which Hollywood seems to be doing a majority of their filming off original thought books, instead of having some of their own. But this is something I would’ve liked to see all the way thru.
  • 💙💙💙💙

    By amandax345
    A MUST SEE! Everyone needs to watch all the movies!
  • !n$urg3n+

    By Jolovesgum
    ! w@+ch3d +h!$ f!lm w!+h m@h m@m@ l@$t n!ght. 1$t, ! $@w !t !n th3@tr3z 0n @pr!l 1, 2015, wh!ch wuz 3 y3@rz @g0. $t!ll @ g00d f!lm
  • Great Movie Love the action

    By Trap1234
    It was a great movie for the whole family.
  • ...weakest of the three

    By Boll Weevill
    ...but i won't watch them again. The plot conceptually has amazing intelectual potential. Like Maze Runner and Hunger Games, that intelectual incitement draws us in, tho i was left wanting more with Divergent compared to the other two. Similar to Genre, the concept metaphorically aligns our fight against an unbated Elite. ... fitting to current political & corporate controls we all now live. But... with these three Divergent movies the point is lost with poor Script decisions... too bad really, because the concept of these movies had more potential than Games and Maze. Pace and Flow ---> If all crying and love scenes are fastforwarded (which i do on these movies, because those add no value to story), each is reduced to a 20 minute episode... a systemic issues with a lot of recently produced movies tho. Production and effects --- Good. creative; similar to Games and Maze. Writing --- script elements should have had better success ...the storyline choosen impeded the flow; director needed to apply more energy on storyboards before production. too many love scenes and way too much filler dialogue adding nothing to the material. Character development --- could have been soooooo much better. character's loose consistancy, and those that should have been archetypical representations, simply stop or peter out... Casting --- selection must have been too fast. many of the actors did the lazy bit where they pose for shots and/or use "fake" gutteral voices in attempt to project depth. both acting technics make the two lead characters of Tris and Four, appear extremely contrived. The GOOD -> Winslet's character was easy to hate. for instance she excellently epitomized one recent, incompetant, presidential candidate to the extreme. This villian character is one that destroys an undermined institution for her own gain. i'd say of all the actors, she was the strongest. (still not good) The BAD -> Particularly, the hero's (Tris) extended crying, scene after scene, and clingy-like boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, weakens the character so far it's impossible to believe her as the hero; what ultimately killed the movie.
  • No.

    By Har😙✌🏽
    It had a few good scenes sure but so many things are wrong and not even close to the book. And it was boring, plain, and went fast with no emotion with a little action.
  • No words

    By Words user in USA
    This was an amazing movie. I was unsure about purchasing it at first. Though I loved the first one it barely compares. There was never a dull moment and I could watch it again and again.
  • Good movie

    By Diane nearby
  • If you think it's a boring movie then, take a scan at this.

    By Hootie071701
    Before these movies even came out, I read the books non-stop. I was able to read the entire Divergent series of books twice within a week because I loved the story and how it unfolded. When the first movie came out, I saw it and was amazed. It had excitement within each character and their backgrounds and how they dealt with each situation. In this movie, I was amazed not only by the end, but the graphics. I feel like this movie appeals to most people as un-exciting and boring because its more of a mental movie. Telling the truth under force, being tampered with in a chamber to open a box while in a simulation, and all the things that they point out in the movie as to have this be a mental mindset sort of story. My personal opinions stands to me that this is a great movie, and it stands side by side to Divergent.
