The Time Traveler's Wife

The Time Traveler's Wife

By Robert Schwentke

  • Genre: Romance
  • Release Date: 2009-08-14
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 47min
  • Director: Robert Schwentke
  • Production Company: New Line Cinema
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,513 Ratings


"The Time Traveler's Wife" is based on the best-selling book about a love that transcends time. Clare (Rachel McAdams) has been in love with Henry (Eric Bana) her entire life. She believes they are destined to be together, even though she never knows when they will be separated: Henry is a time traveler--cursed with a rare genetic anomaly that causes him to live his life on a shifting timeline, skipping back and forth through the years with no control. Despite the fact that Henry's travels force them apart with no warning, and never knowing when they will be reunited, Clare desperately tries to build a life with her one true love.



  • Confusing 👎👎👎👎👎

    By leesa_77
    The only thing appealing about this is.......the photo that represents this movie. People who like this movie seem to compare it to the notebook. That was a dumb movie as well. 😉
  • Tear jerker

    By Ivelisselynn
    A beautiful love story between two people
  • Tear Jerker

    By DildoCat
    Loved this movie. One of my favorites
  • Suprisingly good

    By Rambo8649
    I thought this was a pretty cool movie, a touching story told in a unique way...its well done.
  • The best movie of all time!

    By Im Obliged Nigguh
    Great actors and the best movie plot! Super love it 💕😭😭😭
  • Great movie!

    By dinhr
    I did not want the movie to end. What a great movie!
  • read the book!

    By icelandophile
    this is one of my all time favorite books. the movie has NONE of the depth of the book, I can't think of a worse book turned movie that I've seen. I didn't expect it to live up to the book but it's far worse than I could have imagined. please read the book. it's womderful. this movie isn't even a fraction of the whole story, and it was so flat it may have well been done by paper dolls.
  • Terrible!

    By Froggleep
    Terrible acting, terrible script. I only made it to the 30 minute mark and couldn't take it anymore. Horrible in every way, and I wish I hadn't spent the money to rent it. This is one of the few times I completely agree with the critics. All I can say about the customer reviews that gave this movie above 2 stars is that they must have very, very low standards.
  • If only it was more like the book...

    By Banana xbzhzjanhaab
    I just finished the novel written by Audrey Niffenegger, so I decided to take a shot at the movie to see how well the book was rendered as a motion picture. I found that the acting in this movie was of poor quality, and the screenplay rushed. The film is lacking attention to certain details that were a crucial part of the development of the book. Read the book first, please! I'm glad I did. P.S. Yes, I still managed to tear up during certain parts of the movie ;)
  • Love this movie

    By MikeLandter
    Rachel is great! Great movie
