The Captain

The Captain

By Robert Schwentke

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2018-07-27
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 59min
  • Director: Robert Schwentke
  • Production Company: Marvel Studios
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 18,987 Ratings


Based on the chilling true story of the Executioner of Emsland, THE CAPTAIN follows a German army deserter, Willi Herold (Max Hubacher), after he finds an abandoned Nazi captain’s uniform in the final weeks of World War II. Emboldened by the authority granted to him by the uniform, Herold assembles a band of soldiers who heed his commands despite suspicions about his legitimacy. Claiming to have direct orders from the Führer himself, he soon takes command of a camp of imprisoned Germans accused of criminality and begins to dispense harsh justice. Increasingly intoxicated by his unquestioned authority, the enigmatic imposter in the uniform soon discovers that many people will agreeably follow the leader. Blackly comic and uncompromising, THE CAPTAIN is a simultaneously horrifying and intoxicating parable that reveals the dark roots of fascism in the hearts of those in, and out of, uniform.



  • The Captain

    By The real JCM
    How can you not like this movie? History, compelling story, explosions. It's really a different ride.
  • Great, though not amazing, film

    By five 0 four
    Thoroughly enjoyed this film. I understand some of the negative reviews as there are a few points where things get a little choppy, and scenes that are drawn out. BUT, overall it’s a great movie and worth your time.
  • Brilliant film making and what an ending!

    By Number 21
    This is a brutal film. It is a true story. The cinematography is superb. The casting and acting are outstanding. The ending almost trumps the film itself. Well done. This is a film for serious film bluffs, students and pros to see.
  • Triumph of the Human Spirit

    By therealbmayer
    Oh, no, wait. This is a grim film. The Captain is a murderous psychopath.
  • Not as good as I had hoped.

    By michaelpscott
    I loved the idea to make this into a movie, and there were some interesting parts to it. In the end, the movie missed in many ways. It was choppy and uneven and then it got a little too weird and art housey for me. Max Hubacher was quite good though.
  • Great movie

    By movie addict.
    I was curious from the trailer but to my pleasant surprise...this movie was very entertaining. The lead actor, who is caught in this dangerous situation posing as a Nazi officer, is entertaining. Stick with this one. It’s worth the watch.
  • Horrible film

    By AlphaCharlie3
    No plot, slow momentum in story flow. Shut it off about 3/4 through because it wasn’t leading to anything other then a psychopath posing as a German officer.
  • Ausgezeichnet! Excellent!

    By OLEEP
    Turned subtitles off. Beautiful to listen in German. Very authentic played, solid story, love the sceneries. Highly recommend. Wunderbarer Film.
  • Not Propaganda

    By m6255
    Great movie. People call it propaganda when they deny the truth. No NAZIs were not alone at being the worst. I will always believe the west should have stayed out until Hitler could destroy Stallin. To think the west became alies with Stalin when Stalin first congradulated Hitler in jis early victories, Became Hitler all in Poland taking the other half and easily just as brutal killing Millions. As far as The Zionists in whats The countries name? ISREAL. That was its name 5000 years ago when the first racists kicked them out. and finally THERE WAS NEVER A WAR AS BRUTAL AS WWII AND I DOUBT THERE WILL EVER BE ONE AGAIN UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD BECAUSE OF ALL THE COUNTRIES THAT HAVE NUKES. WWI WAS ABSOLUTLY THE WORST.
  • A morale dilemma.

    By Serious the Kat..
    The closing days of the European Theatre of WWII. The most dangerous time to exist is when war will come to a close. People will say they understand communism, fascism, and democracy. But war simply turns people into their own worst enemy. It made sense to shoot this in black and white. It brings home the sad ending into perspective. And doing the right thing doesn't exist until peace is declared..
