The Trip to Italy

The Trip to Italy

By Michael Winterbottom

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2014-08-13
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 48min
  • Director: Michael Winterbottom
  • Production Company: Revolution Films
  • Production Country: United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 243 Ratings


Michael Winterbottom's largely improvised 2010 film, The Trip, took comedians Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon—or semifictionalized versions thereof—on a restaurant tour around northern England. In this witty and incisive follow-up, Winterbottom reunites the pair for a new culinary road trip, retracing the steps of the Romantic poets' grand tour of Italy and indulging in some sparkling banter and impersonation-offs. Rewhetting our palates from the earlier film, the characters enjoy mouthwatering meals in gorgeous settings from Liguria to Capri while riffing on subjects as varied as Batman's vocal register, the artistic merits of "Jagged Little Pill," and, of course, the virtue of sequels. Winterbottom trains his camera to capture the idyllic Italian landscape and the gastronomic treasures being prepared and consumed while keeping the film centered on the crackling chemistry between the two leads. The Trip to Italy effortlessly melds the brilliant comic interplay between Coogan and Brydon into quieter moments of self-reflection, letting audiences into their insightful ruminations on the nuances of friendship and the juggling of family and career. The result is a biting portrait of modern-day masculinity.



  • As boring as it gets

    By D.N.TN
    Save your money.
  • Boorish semi famous and self absorbed

    By Exhibit Designer
    These two jerks travel through some of the most beutiful contry side in the world but never escape their own petty problems and lives, as a matter of fact they create more miserable drama for themselves as they go. I pitty the other dinners as they behave poorly and loudly while swallowing fantastic looking food in huge inattentive bites. All beauty is lost on these losers.
  • Excellent road trip movie

    By JD@army
    I enjoyed the scenery, food and banter.
  • Guess I'm not as smart as I thought

    By Itsame1983
    After reading all of the positive critic reviews I think I might have set my hopes a bit too high. The two actors do a decent job of bantering back and forth using impersonations, sarcasm, and satire... but it went on forever and I ultimately found it boring and could not keep my attention. I could not figure out the movie either, was it a comedy or journey of two middle aged men through life with minor insights into the complexities of family life and infidelity. I usually can appreciate dry British humor, but this was too much for me. I guess what I am trying to say is that this was not my cup of tea -this movie maybe for the more artistic types who can appreciate 1.5 hours of non stop dry humor / banter / sarcasm.
  • So disappointing!

    By WeighingIn
    I loved The Trip - so witty and enjoyable, great scenery, etc. It appears with this sequel, these two very talented actor/comedians were bent on merely milking each and every scene from The Trip into this sequel. I would guess they simply showed up and improvised each scene, the director would take a break after they started each scene, so no one was there to holler, “cut!!” Each scene they (so very embarrassingly) went on and on and on. Though loved the first, I would highly recommend you avoid this entirely. If you liked the original, you’ll be very disappointed.
  • worst movie ever

    By veve4heart
    This might be the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life, I am no kid, over 60. Terrible, you hate every single person on the screen and have NO empathy for anything that happens to them. I walked out, I gave it too long.
  • So much potential… but never again

    By jasjulia
    WOWWWWW—— unbelievable. If you never thought impeccable food porn and unbelievably gorgeous views from the best spots in Italy could ever make for a bad movie— just watch this! Now add two obnoxious, attention-seeking, old guys doing impressions in EVERY scene for the ENTIRE movie. The jokes were maybe funny the first time— but to go on for two hours doing impressions in every single meal scene was enough to ruin all the pleasant parts of the movie. I couldn’t even finish it and I am absolutely OBSESSED with Italy and food. HOW did they manage to ruin this so bad. How can anyone like this movie.
  • Waste of $5

    By robira13
    This is probably the worst movie I've ever seen. If there were any good points about it - it would have to be the Italian scenery. As far as plot, acting, keeping my interest? ...a big fat ZERO! I couldn't wait for the movie to END. I am just happy that I didn't pay big bucks at a movie theatre to see it. Save your money. You WILL be disappointed.
  • very enjoyable

    By iggy2085
    i actually think this movie is better than the first one. i really enjoyed watching it. and now i want to go to Italy!!!.
  • Horrible movie

    By ymgib
    I wasted my money and my time. I really wanted to like this movie. It had nothing to do food .two guys bantering and doing movies imitations throughout the entire movie. I had to fast forward to get to the end. Could barely stay awake. Very disappointing.
