Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon reunite in Greece for the fourth AND FINAL installment of THE TRIP series in a delightful odyssey of gut-busting comedy. From director Michael Winterbottom.
An Excellent Conclusion to a Series I Love
By I Am A Parade
The Trip to Greece is cinematic comfort food. Two friends dine across a foreign country (this time, it's Greece), bickering about their respective careers and trying to crack each other up by doing impressions and comic bits. They also contemplate growing older, and what it means to be "successful" (Coogan has more acting accolades, while Brydon has a happy home life).
If you're familiar with the precious entries, The Trip to Greece won't subvert your expectations, but I will take a fourth helping of one of my favorite movie dishes anytime.
(Postscript: as per usual, the movie version feels heavily truncated from the six-episode TV series it's based on. The movie is good, but I'm sure that the series is great, and I'll be scouring British TV importers for the full experience)
Why can I not buy?!
By MissChuvi
I bet this is brilliant just as the other 3 rating is based on predecessors. Have not seen this one yet FOR I CANNOT BUY IT. C’mon iTunes!!! Allow for the purchase option already.
No no no no
By knitboy1
This movie was on a total of 5 minutes before we turned it off.
By Fez Monkey
Any chance that the movie ends with every person they have been imitating beating them to death with baseball bats?
After the other excellent Trip movies, I was expecting this to be a fitting finale to the series. Coogan and Brydon have some funny exchanges during the movie but overall, it gets way too far up its own fundament and there's not nearly enough humor. I know, it's Greece, birthplace of tragedy as well as comedy, but I'm really looking mostly for the latter in this movie. If I want pathos and bathos, I'll look elsewhere...
A Delicious Greece-y Spoon
By brukta
Laughing ... starving ... breathtaking. Those 3 words and the fluid chemistry of Coogan & Brydon makes this an absolutely delightful head Trip.
The Trip Movies
By CummingsRex
You have to have a certain amount of intelligence and wit to appreciate what these two actors do. I believe they are working from a very loose script with a lot of improvising. This isn't a typical movie with a beginning, middle and an end. Instead it's an entertaining, charming movie about two friends just enjoying each other and where they are. Also great impressions. I get tired of people writing that things are boring etc. Maybe they should take a deep look at themselves....boring!
Great fun and final chapter
By jwildero
This was a great wrap up to the series. Some people who gave this one star missed that this is number 4 in a series. Highly recommend watching the whole series.
Lovely conclusion and circling back to the first movie. Sad that this is going to be the final chapter.
Very enjoyable !
By hgm4499
3.5 stars. If you liked the first three movies in this series, you’ll probably be glad you saw this fourth installment. Brydon and Coogan have great chemistry and are both dopey and funny riffing off each other. No new ground being broken here but interesting food and scenery and funny impersonations and a little bit of seriousness at the end.
By Foodie cook
I wasted $6.99 to watch this. I stopped watching after about 30 minutes. I was hoping for an enjoyable travel movie with nice sites. Very disappointed. I want a refund.