The Killer Inside Me

The Killer Inside Me

By Michael Winterbottom

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2010-06-18
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 49min
  • Director: Michael Winterbottom
  • Production Company: Revolution Films
  • Production Country: Canada, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 588 Ratings


Based on the novel by legendary pulp writer Jim Thompson, THE KILLER INSIDE ME tells the story of Lou Ford, a handsome, charming and unassuming small town sheriff's deputy who is in fact a sadist, a psychopath, and a killer.



  • the killer inside me

    By Well Worth Watching!
    Yes, it’s disturbing, that’s the point! Really well acted, great cast. Fascinating!
  • Not Worth It

    By xxmafxx
    Don't waste your time ..
  • The Storytelling Inside It

    By Sneakle
    Yes there is a scene where a woman gets beaten to death, and while it is needlessly extreme, the real reason to avoid this rental it that it’s just not very good. The storytelling is weak and feels like a Cliff’s Notes take on character development. The editing is rhythmically poor, says me, a lowly film editor FWIW. The images are pretty so hats off to the director of photography. The aspect ratio is crazy wide, which works for Lawrence of Arabia but seems extreme for this cramped little people story. Guess they figured it is set in Texas so go extreme wide screen. I’m a big fan of Casey Affleck and Kate Hudson is surprisingly good. The problems in the movie ultimately have to be laid at the feet of the director. Your movie dollar better spend elsewhere.
  • The killer inside me

    By Addictedstar6
    I find this to be an amazing movie after u get past the brutal beating place upon the girl and her mangled face. It was truly terrifying and I had to cover my eyes and eyes that was truly sick. But the rest of the movie was sad and so edge of ur seat. Wanting him to be found out so bad he is a total sociopath and plays the part to a T. The movie was a Sad reality of how truly sick some people are. The end of the movie I was so happy to c the girl still alive and sadly the police put her in an unsafe situation and failed to protect her. That was sad. But overall it was played out so well amazing movie in my eyes
  • Intense

    By BaNanners1143
    Its not intense in the sense of blood and gore, but in the sense that someone could be so brutal and detached in the same instance. Casey played the part to the T as a cold, sexual deviant. This movie was no more brutal than Saw or Scream- just more blatant and raw. Overall the movie was done really well- with raw subtlety and believable characters. Great film.
  • Bad!

    By jeff1754
    Worst movie ever! Don't waste your time.
  • a real nut case

    By Geezer Cleaver Beaver
    This is the most erotic movie I have ever seen in my long life. It also provided a disbelieve that one human could do to another human.
  • Was ok

    By Lizzydurrin
    It was kinda disturbing
  • Booo!!

    By GinnyC38
    Not entertaining, not thought-provoking. Zero character development for any characters save Affleck's, and for him it was just a gratuitous snap-shot to his mother being not right in the head. Blame the parents... It was the kind of movie that leaves you feeling like you've done something wrong by watching it - and not something fun and mischievous; something more like watch=someone-use-two-women-as-punching-bags=and=act=like-its-interesting wrong. I know Casey's character was "detached" and all, but I thought it came across as line-reading with an accent.
  • disturbing

    By Em_Berger
    Although it was captivating at first, the brutality was just too much to endure. My husband (a weathered U.S. Marine) and I picked this movie up randomly because it looked interesting, but we couldn't finish it. The scene where the main character brutally beats a woman to death was just too disturbing for the both of us. If you can get past the horrific and sadistic nature of the movie, it's done really well and Casey Affleck does a great job playing a psychopath.
