X-Men: Days of Future Past

X-Men: Days of Future Past

By Bryan Singer

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2014-05-23
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 11min
  • Director: Bryan Singer
  • Production Company: Bad Hat Harry Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 15,471 Ratings


An all-star cast, including Hugh Jackman, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Halle Berry, Jennifer Lawrence, Ellen Page, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart, prepares for battle in this action-packed adventure. As Sentinel robots hunt down mutants and humans, the characters from the original X-Men trilogy join forces with their younger selves in an epic struggle to change the past—and save our future!



  • Good movie!!!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

    By spdgtkt
  • Best x men yet

    By abodeelym
    This was one of the best x men movies ever. The plot was amazing. The characters were amazing. There were two magneto. There were two Charles Xavier. Some of the mutants played different actors. I saw Cyclops and Phoenix scene when Wolverine was in the past. The sentinel and Bolivar Trask are the villains in this x men movie. This is one of the best X-Men movie ever. Fox never disappointed me with this movie.
  • Entertaining but i liked quicksliver in this movie

    By Nicholas becerra
    Quicksilver was funny and hallirous in this movie throughout the whole movie this X-Men movie is beyond dazzling and action packed unlike anything i seen before.
  • Surprisingly good

    By icouch
    Bryan Singer is back on top form. I enjoyed these characters. Not sure if it needed a sequel...but gotta cash in on box office, right?
  • Favorite X-men

    By Iheartdoggys🥀
    I love this movie! It’s pretty intense, but is really great It’s cool how they go back in time, and really is about how your actions affect the future The future is intense, a bit scary, and has some brutal deaths, but has some really positive messages, the trailer makes the movie seem super dramatic, and it kinda is. I love how they’re added Raven as Mystique, like an antagonist/protagonist, and Logan as the one trying to save the future
  • X-Men: Days of Future Past

    By theonedirectionboy
    A masterpiece.
  • Very good movie

    By Juanleal2006
    It is hard to top a movie like this one with the story of time travel plus the amazing cast both old and new. X-men apocalypse is even more disappointing when you co compare it to this movie. In Days of future past, Jennifer Lawrence still cared about her x-men role. It was nice to see the old cast together as well. I don’t get the quicksilver scene “time in a bottle” where he solves the problem by using his superpower. How hard does he hit the security guards/ officers that he knocks them unconscious? They are not even trying to get up or they can’t get up? Why was Magneto needed to be rescued from the detention facility? He’s a good character but all he does is increase the movie run time and worsen the problem for the 1970’s x-men.
  • Never disappointed

    By Raffaele Santabarba
    I’ve been a BIG X-Men fan since the first movie came out and cartoon as a kid. Needless to say that X-Men is my favorite, by far!
  • Best in the series

    By fritterIx
    This movie is the best in the X-MEN movie series. 10/10
  • I like how they went to the future

    By melikemovies
    I give this one 5 stars
