Superman Returns

Superman Returns

By Bryan Singer

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2006-06-28
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 34min
  • Director: Bryan Singer
  • Production Company: DC
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 4,248 Ratings


While old enemy Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) plots to render him powerless, Superman (Brandon Routh) must face the heartbreaking realization that Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth), has moved on with her life. Or has she? From the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of outer space, Superman blazes an epic journey of redemption to protect the world he loves from cataclysmic destruction. Director Bryan Singer takes the helm in this superpowered epic action-adventure that reunites Superman with a world that's almost learned to live without him.



  • Underrated!

    By matthauthor
    Fantastic acting. It took me seventeen years to finish this movie but watching it again, I really enjoyed it! It was very well done. I wish they had made a sequel with this cast.
  • Superman Returns

    By Noah B. Will
    Superman Returns is so the greatest superhero movie ever and my favorite Superman movie! -Noah
  • The Perfect Superman Film

    By M_B_D
    When people say “It’s impossible to make a perfect Superman movie”, I say “Clearly it’s not, because Bryan Singer did it”, and he really did. This movie not only highlights Superman’s humanity better than the other ones did, it focuses more on delivering a great story and equally great character development than action sequences, which I think is great. I literally grew up with this movie, but that doesn’t make me biased. I’ve always really liked this movie, but it took a recent rewatch for me to favor it over the original. Brandon Routh is my Superman, and I’m fine with admitting that I think he has more charisma and represents a hero more than Christopher Reeve. All respect to Donner and Reeve, but Superman Returns is, and always will be, the best Superman film.
  • Snoozefest

    By WBBaglio
    Please don’t watch this movie. It’s super-boring. It even copies the first Superman movie!
  • A cinematic echivement in superhero cinema

    By Nicholas becerra
    Superman Returns is a great achivement in modern superhero genre ever made. The opening sequences were fantastic and the music from John Ottman even to this day is amazing. I think this will be held to be a cinematic adore to all DC fans and critics alike.
  • ??????

    HOW THE LIVING F#%* did this get higher ratings then man of steel
  • it got kind of boring SPOLIERS

    By marvelfanboy99
    I don’t really use that word much but this one just was there was nothing really happens to the bad guy spoiler alert he just beats up Superman and never fights him again the acting was pretty good though
  • Boring

    By refael2004
    So so boring
  • A good Superman movie with some flaws

    By Wraith005
    It definitely lived up to the spirit of a true Superman movie (unlike the current DC Man of Steel one). If it could've fixed the plot at the end, a better Lois Lane, and more Clark, it would've been much better and possibly setup the Bale Batman universe melding that WB wished for. Instead we have this junk known as Snyder's Justice League.
  • A love letter of a film.

    By Stung68
    This isn’t the best Superman movie, but it’s the ultimate love letter to the Richard Dinner classic. When I sat in the movie theater and heard the. Unix and opening credits... I almost wept. Now, I know this film gets tons of crap, but it was fun. Give it a chance.
