The Usual Suspects

The Usual Suspects

By Bryan Singer

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 1995-08-16
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 46min
  • Director: Bryan Singer
  • Production Company: Bad Hat Harry Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 10,572 Ratings


A gruesome scene is left at a pier in San Pedro, south of Los Angeles. Twenty-seven dead bodies. A burned-out ship smoldering in the harbor. An FBI agent assesses the carnage and learns of two survivors: one in the hospital, the other a cripple from New York being held in the DA's office. He heads to the hospital in search of answers.



  • A Must See

    By eterno7
    An excellent suspense movie with a surprising twist.
  • The hype reflects poorly on the nineties

    By t(h)inker
    The film is so gimmicky, it's hard to believe the hype. There is nothing classic about it. There is no interesting dialogue, considering the film is built on it. The idea of a an unrealiable narrator is nothing new, but let's say that they did a decent job if you consider film merely as a product, intended to entertain, as in: distract briefly from reality. As far as genre, it's a police procedural/whodunnit thriller. I think the reason the denouement might shock viewers on a first viewing is that most of us are incapable of conceiving just how far a pathological liar can go in perfecting a lie. But, if you actually subject the film's structure to analysis, there are some problems, even if you just stick to the logic of the universe as proposed by the film itself, the lie's consistency accepted as is. This film actually precludes analysis, so no active engagement by the viewer with the story is possible. Overall, the film only works toward eliciting the shock value of the reveal. In retrospect, it also becomes a time capsule to reflect some aspects of the ninetees culture, and sadly, not in a good way. Kevin Spacey himself is a whole other subject matter, especially with regards to performance as a part of "civilian" life in society. So, would I recommend it? I guess it will help you pass the time if you are stuck on a plane, or need to distract yourself momentarily for other reasons. Otherwise, there is really no real reason to watch it. It won't enhance your life in any way.
  • 23 Years Later...

    By Semnick01
    The first time I saw this movie was at the theatres, in early 1996. It left a hell of an impression on me! Now I watched it again and, well, it still good, but kind of boring from the middle until the end.It didn't age, which is good, but after a while you notice that there is nothing new on this one.
  • Classic

    By Cgal01
    Smart, funny, and the best ending ever. Everyone should see this one.
  • Interesting and intelligent film

    By Furutan1
    Kiaser Sosay rules. Pay attention throughout to stay ahead, or just go with the flow and let the ending play out. This is a good film and it is just as fresh now as it was when it came out.. It doesn't matter what goes on in Kevin Spacey's personal life, the guy is a brilliant actor.
  • Great "mind blown" film

    By Humbilll
    Kevin Spacey is great with many other great supporting actors in this film. The twist at the end really surprised me. This is a movie I always stop and watch when channel surfing.
  • An Absolute Treasure

    By SuzQz17
    Even though it came out in 1995, this has got to be in my top three movies of all time. The writing keep you on the edge of your seat. The actors are PERFECT for both their spot-on portrayal and villainous characterization of “bad guys”. The story is unlike I’ve ever seen in that is so smart and believable. Do yourself a favor and give it a shot. You won’t be disappointed - and you’ll watch it again and again. I had to watch it twice to really “get it” - there’s just twist and turns that will blow your mind. Enjoy :)
  • A movie that stands the test of time

    By jroman1090
    This is a movie well worth watching. Whether you are young or old, you well enjoy this movie. This is a must watch for those who consider themselves film junkies.
  • Usual suspects

    By Jon Grizzly
    Fire on top of fire one of my favorite movies of all time period Your list doesn't count if this isn't up there
  • Amazing

    By Ali cat *
    Most movies I watch once, and never again. I have watched the usual suspects OVER and OVER and OVER because it is really that amazing. The plot has so many layers to it and so many details that each time I watch I feel like I pick up on something new. I've seen reviews here that say its a top 10 favorite.... I only have 2 favorites, and this is 1 of them
