The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

By Peter Jackson

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2013-12-12
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 41min
  • Director: Peter Jackson
  • Production Company: New Line Cinema
  • Production Country: New Zealand, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 13,348 Ratings


Academy Award® winner Peter Jackson continues his Middle-earth adventure following Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) who's swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor from the fearsome dragon Smaug. In the company of thirteen dwarves and the wizard Gandalf the Grey (Ian McKellen), Bilbo enters the Lonely Mountain in possession of Gollum's "precious" ring and his keen blade, Sting. With an all-star cast and the effects wizardry of Jackson's award-winning Weta Workshop, Tolkien's epic story comes to life as never before imagined.



  • iTunes Review Fail - Movie Good

    By Trucksess
    Who ever described Beorn as a "Giant dog like creature" in the iTunes review should be fired immediately. Good god, a writer did this? Too much MTV and video games.
  • That’s it

    By Luna_Birdsong_KOTLC
    Humanity has officially died out in the brains department. Tauriel and Legolas aren’t even in the flippin’ book idiots! How can you love characters who (in this movie) are both aggravating AND clueless. The stupid love triangle is just pointless and made me roll my eyes. Could’ve cut all that out and replaced it with more epic battle scenes. Also what’s up with Kili??? He’s not even a dwarf! He doesn’t have a beard! These movies are all show and no sustenance. Twenty-first century ripoff.
  • Marred by moments of LOW “humor”; Correct Library Icons?

    By Another Beatles Listener
    “Biology-Affirming” does not quite translate as “Life-Affirming”. These films had to involve some grit and fire, but did not have to include such incongruous — thus intrusive — tripe as was put in . . . more or less with a crowbar . . . per agenda for (how lovely) branding these films as Good Family Fun For All; how very mod!! Such a Low “humor” is neither Tolkien nor, in any era, wisdom. The casting and acting for Gandalf, Bilbo, and Friends? Sublime. The treatment of Bilbo’s pity for Gollum is no less than celestial; such respect for kindness is crucial to Tolkien Books AND Films. Four stars here, for any or for all of these Hobbit films, in either Version; for further comments from me (if any are at all wanted), please see Reviews as via “The Desolation of Smaug” in the Extended Edition; for still more of my comments on Hobbit films, please see Reviews as via the Extended “Unexpected Journey” . . . and thank you!
  • Peter Jackson at his best

    By Nicholas becerra
    Desolation of Smaug is one of Peter Jackson's finest films with Unexpected Journey out of the way this Hobbit film is dark, entertaining and visually stunning quest film.
  • Tauriel

    By CelticSpirit345
    I LOVED this movie!!! It was a great addition to the first one. I thought Tauriel was especially heroic. She is by far an extremely exceptional character, even though not present in the book. The designs and settings were also beautiful, as well as the storyline.
  • M@rv3l0u$ M!$@dv3n+ur3$ 0f Fl@pj@ck

    By Jolovesgum
    Eye w@+ch3d +h!$ f!lm l@$+ n!gh+ w!+h m@h m0mm@ & @un+ 0n $3p+3mb3r 28, 2018 & +h3 l@$+ +!m3 Eye w@+ch3d +h!$ !n +h3@+r3$ wuz 0n J@nu@ry 2014. !+ !z $+!ll @ gr8 f!lm 2C. Eye +h!nk Eye $@w +h3 d3$0l@+!0n 0f $m@ug +w!c3 n0w. N0w +h3 l@$+ m0v!3 0f +h3 h0bb!+ Eye w!ll w@+ch W!ll B +h3 b@++l3 0f +h3 f!v3 @rm!3$.

    By Joe Bro 😎
    The hobbit series is over! I’m so sad that it’s gone!😭😢 But I guess it would’ve gotten boring if there were more movies!
  • Amazing

    By peachy app
  • This movie is great

    By KbCheetah
    This movie is great, fun, exciting, entertaining, action packed, adventure, and awesome. I love this movie a lot. I love all of the characters in this movie. I love Orlando Bloom as the elf Legolas, the girl elf. She is really pretty, and the huge dragon Smaug. It is one of my all time favorite movies ever.
  • Don't whatch

    By "@&&'plkj
