The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

By Peter Jackson

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 2012-12-14
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 49min
  • Director: Peter Jackson
  • Production Company: New Line Cinema
  • Production Country: New Zealand, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 18,637 Ratings


Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Peter Jackson returns to Middle-earth with the first of three films based on J.R.R. Tolkien's enduring masterpiece. Set in Middle-earth 60 years before the epic Lord of the Rings trilogy, the adventure follows the journey of Bilbo Baggins, who is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom from the fearsome dragon Smaug. Approached out of the blue by the wizard Gandalf, Bilbo finds himself joining a company of dwarves on a journey into wild, treacherous lands swarming with beasts of every ilk. Although their goal lies to the East, they must first escape the goblin tunnels, where Bilbo meets the creature that will change his life forever...Gollum. Alone with Gollum, on the shores of an underground lake, the unassuming Bilbo gains possession of Gollum's "precious" -- a simple, gold ring tied to the fate of all Middle-earth.



  • Hmph

    By Luna_Birdsong_KOTLC
    No. These would be very good movies if they weren’t supposed to be Tolkien’s universe. The CGI is so obviously faked in some spots I have to look away. This is nothing like the Hobbit. When me and my family watched it, everyone else threatened to turn it off because I kept complaining. That’s not as bad as people say.
  • Marred by moments of LOW “humor”; Correct Library Icons?

    By Another Beatles Listener
    “Biology-Affirming” does not quite translate as “Life-Affirming”. These films had to involve some grit and fire, but did not have to include such incongruous — thus intrusive — tripe as was put in . . . more or less with a crowbar . . . per agenda for (how lovely) branding these films as Good Family Fun For All; how very mod!! Such a Low “humor” is neither Tolkien nor, in any era, wisdom. The casting and acting for Gandalf, Bilbo, and Friends? Sublime. The treatment of Bilbo’s pity for Gollum is no less than celestial; such respect for kindness is crucial to Tolkien Books AND Films. Four stars here, for any or for all of these Hobbit films, in either Version; for further comments from me (if any are at all wanted), please see Reviews as via “The Desolation of Smaug” in the Extended Edition; for still more of my comments on Hobbit films, please see Reviews as via the Extended “Unexpected Journey” . . . and thank you!

    By Nicholas becerra
    The lord of the Rings is my favorite troilgy of all time with all of the characters in the movie and the book were very entertaining and strikingly good. But when the Hobbit An Unexpected Journey came out I was expecting a cinematic masterpiece of modern art but suprisingly it was amazing and visually stunning. The visual effects were fantastic all of the casting was solid and unexpected get it! Even though there are some problems with the actual story and the differences between the book are similiar to this magficent piece of modern filmmaking what Peter Jackson was looking for was the temptation of characters and suprise but this movie will be worth your time if you don't like Lord of the Rings then fine don't like it maybe find somthing intersting like whatever this movis is suprisingly good.
  • Excelente

    By CAGA1913
    Recomendable al 100%, que bueno sería que sacaran más películas cómo estás.
  • Great Movie and Trilogy

    I loved the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but I actually like The Hobbit trilogy even more. All three movies are great, and love seeing the story of Bilbo Baggins and Gandolph on the big screen. Martin Freeman (Sherlock) is fantastic as Bilbo, Aidan Turner (Poldark) is also amazing as Kili as well as Richard Armitage as Thorin. Sir Ian McKellen as Gandolph is a homerun, he is truly an amazing actor. I would highly recommend these movies.
  • Play all button doesn't work

    By glandryiris
    The play all button on the video blogs feature does not work on my iPhone. Please fix this glitch. Thanks.
  • Just when I thought Peter Jackson had peaked!

    By BobbyP311
    He sneaks a wonderful 3 part breakup of the original 80’s film and in doing so created that “jackson-esc” look and feel of the shire, orks, and massive structures all over again except years later and way better high def filming.
  • Perfect movie awesome storyline but book is better still

    By Nicholas bataito
    Amazing always a fan of movies like this one
  • $w33+

    By Jolovesgum
    +h!$ m0v!3 wuz l0ng & !+ wuz @ r3@lly @m@z!n' m0v!3 'b0u+ +h3 h0bb!+. !+ wuz $w33+3r +h@n c@ndy. Eye$ @w +h!$ f!lm +w!c3 n0w 0n 0c+0b3r 1$+ 2015 w!+h m@h n@n@ wh3n $h3 l!k3d !+ @ l0+ & l@$+ n!gh+ w!+h m@h m0mm@ 0n $3p+3mb3r 14. Eye @m g0nn@ w@+ch +h3 d3$0l@+!0n 0f $m@ug n3x+.
  • Oh yeah!

    By Joe Bro 😎
    This is definitely my favorite movie! I used to like Star Wars but I think that this beat it! But be sure not to let little kids watch this show!😳😬 There are realistic trolls, orc, goblins and more! But definitely watch this when your old enough!
