The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

By Peter Jackson

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2002-12-18
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 3h 55min
  • Director: Peter Jackson
  • Production Company: New Line Cinema
  • Production Country: New Zealand, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
From 22,317 Ratings


In the middle chapter of this historic movie trilogy, the Fellowship is broken but its quest to destroy the One Ring continues.



  • good

    By Cabron666
  • Audio out of sync

    By Egladhon
    The audio is out of sync by 3-4 seconds on the audio commentaries. Extremely annoying and not an issue on the Blu-ray Discs. I expected better from the iTunes Store.
  • An Epic and Breathtaking Fantasy Movie Sequel

    By Ollie_Knox
    "The Two Towers" is another excellent installment in the excellent Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Frodo Baggins and Sam Gamgee continue their journey to Mordor in order to destroy the One Ring with the creature, Gollum, as their guide despite Gollum's obsession with getting `his precious' back. Pippin and Merry manage to escape the Uruk hai into the Fangorn Forest and their own adventure with the Ents. Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas try to save the kingdom Rohan from imminent destruction from Saruman's Uruk-Hai. Gandalf is reincarnated as a white wizard and returns to fulfill his task of aiding the free people against Sauron's forces. The movie also features amazing special effects with Gollum, dramatic political tension in Rohan, and fantastic moments with the Ents. There's also beautiful moments between Aragorn and Arwen. The costumes, weapons, armor, props and movie sets are very well crafted. The landscapes and scenery of New Zealand are beautiful. Treebeard and the Ents are very well done in CGI. The ents are curiously wise and well spoken. The CGI incarnation of Gollum/Smeagol was incredibly emotive and powerful as it protrays Gollum as profoundly disturbing, amusing and almost lovable all at the same time. Hence, Gollum is still a CGI masterpiece. The special effects for the ents, the mumakil, the wargs, Sauron's eye and the fellbeast are very incredible. The filming locations and the movie sets for the Kingdom of Rohan look gorgeous. The Rohirrim are a sight to behold and do conjure images of the lost Anglo-Saxons.The acting is superb with an amazing cast. Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf and Sir Christopher Lee as Saruman are flawless. Sean Astin was born for the role as Samwise Gamgee and portrays Sam's character perfectly. Andy Serkis gave an astonishing performance as Gollum. Elijah Wood Dominic Monaghan as Merry and Billy Boyd as Pippin still make for a delightful duo. Viggo Mortensen's performance as Aragorn is visceral and sensitive with physical dexterity, along with being an empathic, warmer and fundamentally human in presence and charisma. Orlando Bloom still pulls of as Legolas very well. John Rhys-Davies is still brilliant and hilarious as Gimli. Bernard Hill gives a very perfect performance as King Theoden. Miranda Otto as Eowyn and Karl Urban as Eomer were excellent. David Wenham was a very good choice for the role as Faramir. Brad Douris gives a superb performance as Grima Wormtongue. The Battle of Helm's Deep is still one of the best movie battle scenes in cinema history. The scene where Haldir (Craig Parker) arrives with an army of Galadhirm elven warrirors at Helm's Deep to aid the men of Rohan is still one of highlights of The Two Towers movie. The action and fighting scenes at Helm's deep is epic and perfectly executed. The choreography of the battle, the visual effects, the pacing, acting, cinematography, and music, all work together in perfection to achieve grand filmmaking. The downfall of Frodo as the ring slowly takes hold of him is very well done. The battles of Helms Deep and Isengard are truly breathtaking. The ents marching off to war and tearing down Isengard is still a very breathtaking and powerful moment. The scene where Gandalf and Eomer arrive with an army of Rohirrim, charging down a hill at the Uruk hai and turning the tide of battle at Helm's Deep is astonishing. Samwise Gamgee's "some good things in the world worth fighting for" speech to Frodo is very enlightening and provides positive motivation. Howard Shore is musical genius in composing beautiful songs and music scores that captures the magic and the essence of Middle Earth. The theme song for the kingdom of Rohan is very splendid. "Gollum's Song" by EmilΓ­ana Torrini is a haunting beautiful and suspenseful song that plays at the movie credits. Peter Jackson's "The Two Towers" is one wonderful interpretation of the epic story. A spectacular adventure action experience.
  • Superb!!!πŸ’―

    By spdgtkt
    Thoroughly entertaining!!!πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ
  • 😭😭😭

    By Moon808
    Omg thank you New Line Entertainment for allowing Apple to upgrade existing owners πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  • Thanks for correcting Library Icons for at least this Version!

    By Another Beatles Listener
    I am accustomed to the correct imagery; this is more convenient for cross-reference as within some multi-media collections; and some of us would indeed prefer such cover art as did represent, during purchase, what we were buying; surely this makes sense. That said, I was and am astounded at the spectacular, glorious achievement of all three Lord of the Rings films in either Edition! The cast and acting for Gandalf and his Posse are beyond belief. Scenery; costume; music; respect for the story? All Is Radiance. The reverence for love, friendship, and all that is right . . . this, all the while, is what ultimately sails these films β€œwestward”. Five stars, despite such issues as I mention primarily elsewhere; if anyone would so prefer, please see my further comments as via the Reviews for β€œFellowship” in that film’s Theatrical Edition. Thank you!
  • 99999999 πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…

    By Siemo
  • Great movies, missing features

    By durban73
    For some reason there are hardly any extras on these releases. I would buy them, but why? Give us the commentaries and the amazing documentaries they made.
  • No Spanish Subtitles

    By Jantrompeta
    What happened with spanish subtitles? 🀬
  • awesome movie but !!

    By Capeto-Art
    why not have spanish subtitles ? We want subtitles in Spanish wait almost ten years for the movie and it's a sadness that does not come in Spanish please fix it ..!!
