Fantastic Voyage

Fantastic Voyage

By Richard Fleischer

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1966-08-24
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 40min
  • Director: Richard Fleischer
  • Production Company: 20th Century Fox
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 452 Ratings


Stephen Boyd, Donald Pleasence et Raquel Welch sont les vedettes de cette aventure. Un scientifique détenant le secret de la miniaturisation tombe dans le coma, et une équipe de spécialistes pénètre en lui pour tenter de le soigner. Mais son corps se défend et un saboteur fait partie de l'équipe. C'est donc une course contre la montre qui s’engage.



  • Great movie

    By GlennBond
    Way ahead of its time for the FX. Great cast. Great unique idea for the story. Love this movie. First saw this as a kid.
  • Excellent Science Fiction

    By cheapchevy
    Excellent plot and amazing special effects especially for 1966 with no computer graphics. I was 11 and already a science fiction nut when my parents took us to see it when it opened. Even my parents liked it. The idea of traveling inside the human body intrigued me. And my hormones were activated by the beautiful Raquel Welch. Of course I had the One Million Year BC poster in my room.
  • Well done for 1966

    By Dr. Doom14
    I saw this in the 1966 as a child with my parents at a "Drive-in". Perhaps one reason I later earned a doctorate in computer science. This film was considered one of the most expensive of the time Bought this great film for my two children to see from iTunes. Fantastic Voyage is entertaining and educational, truly "edutainment" with a "G" rating. There's information of a remake in pre-production (Spring 2018), I hope its rated no stronger than PG-13 and released by 2020. Finally, I would like to see "Colossus: The Forbin Project" on iTunes.
  • Fantastic Voyage

    By ClintonsWorld
    One of my personal "Top Ten" movies of all time. I can't wait for the remake! I hear Guillermo Del Torro will direct and James Cameron is producing. Whoever chose the "trailer" for this needs to be written up. Clearly this person was not doing his/her job when choosing what scene would make someone interested in buying/renting this movie. On the positive side this movie won two Academy Awards back in 1967 for "Best Art Direction- Color" and "Best Special Effects" in addition is was also nominated for three more Academy Awards "Best Cinematography" "Best Film Editing" and "Best Sound Editing".
  • Fantastic Voyage

    By Adderless
    I have seen this time and again over the years and it still doesnt get old. Classic Science Fiction!!
  • The Preview...

    By Weyland-Yutani
    …is of no help in evaluating this movie. It is an old 707 landing at an airport, two men getting out, and one leaving with a military escort. If I had never seen this film, I could not tell you that it is true science fiction and worth every cent of the rental or purchase. Five stars for "Fantastic Voyage", one star for the person who did the quality control for iTunes.
  • Fantastic Voyage

    By Shark812x2
    Nothing like a good old Thriller!!!! Oh ya The Suspense and Raquel Welch. OH MY
