

By Richard Fleischer

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1975-07-25
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 6min
  • Director: Richard Fleischer
  • Production Company: The De Laurentiis Company
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 135 Ratings


Based on the hugely successful novel by Kyle Onstott, Mandingo takes the audience beyond the sentimentalized South of other films with uncompromising honesty and realism to show the true brutalizing nature of slavery, which made victims of both owner and slave. Heavyweight boxer Ken Norton makes his screen debut in the title role, with Perry King (Possession of Joel Delaney) as his white owner, friend, and eventual nemesis.



  • Why

    By Tip Top Gear
    Why can't we buy this; how come it's rent only?
  • mandingo

    By figbrat
    well all I know and what I seen.......ken norton was fineeeeeeeeeeee and beautiful wish he was my mandingo... however the movie showed some truth,,,,,,but sad sad............
  • So Yeah

    By Jwhimbu1
    So i saw it and um yeah pretty lost for words I mean YOU GOTTA see it but about once It made me cringe(felt bad for actually wanting to see it) and there were a lot of awkward coughing going on...they tried but it just didn't pull through.......3 stars.
  • No plot, poor acting performances, and unrealistic situations

    By Oh, so?
    Think a combination of "Little House on the Prairie", "Amistad", and any poorly budgeted interracial X-rated film, and you get Mandingo. Rather than having anything resembling a plot, this film is more concentrated on the sexual exploitation of slaves. This is done in a very tasteless way. The bouncy soundtrack only makes the film seem more inappropriate. This film should not be considered a depiction of any part of African-American, U.S., or Southern history in any way.
  • LOL

    By Christobel S.
    One of the greatest comedies ever! The bad acting alone makes for hours of good laughs. 5 stars!!!
  • Mandingo

    By chocolatedee
    Would you please make this movie available for purchase...I would like to add it to my collection of rare and hard to find movies...I really enjoyed this movie...thank you....
  • Have things REALLY changed?

    By Im_paydig
    I live in 2008 and this movie reminds me of whats happening today.My friends don't understand why i date, talk to, or even eat a meal with anyone who's not my skin color..THINK ABOUT IT!!
  • Why is this film a part of the black history category?

    By finbarII
    Mandigo is an extremely tacky, ridiculously melodramatic rendering of interacial romance in the old south. It has no part in a serious collection of material on black history and culture. Its inclusion in that section is offensive.
  • Pantswettingly Bad

    By Theodora
    Whoever wrote the iTunes review of this film and dared to call it realistic needs to be taken out to the woodshed. It's about the most absurd film ever made, historically inaccurate, weakly written, horribly acted, and just generally a waste of celluloid; I think the only reason it ever got any publicity at all was the interracial sex scenes, which were outrageous and scandalous to viewers in 1975, when this was originally released. If it had been just ten degrees worse, it probably would have achieved cult classic status. If it had been ten degrees better, it'd still have been terrible.
  • Wow this was something....

    By PinkR0ckSTAR
    To me this movie was ahead of its time and still is there has yet to be a movie that showed the ugly side of slavery so many times when we watch movies about slavery it seems to hide alot of the ugly truths. The subject was great the acting to me was sort of bad thats why i gave it a three stars.
