Red Sonja

Red Sonja

By Richard Fleischer

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1985-06-28
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 28min
  • Director: Richard Fleischer
  • Production Company: Famous Films Productions
  • Production Country: Italy, Netherlands, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 848 Ratings


In the times of sword and sorcery, amazonian Red Sonja avenges her sister's death and deposes an evil queen. With box-office superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger ("Eraser," "True Lies") and Golden Globe-winner Sandahl Bergman ("Conan the Barbarian").



  • saw this many times as a child

    By Minty Freshness
    its a great low budget barbarian flick. if you like conan youll like this. but arnold doesnt play conan in this movie. just fyi.

    By Zairscratch
    Watch it again
  • Horrible…

    By RazorChild
    … film, back in 1985. Horrible film to this day.
  • "So it is true. Only women may touch it."

    By nocrickets
    The original Conan the Barbarian, directed by John Milius, was High Kitsch on an extraordinarily bombastic level. The dull parts are very dull, but the funny parts are hilarious. Conan the Whatever, directed by Richard Fleischer, was one of the silliest sequels ever, unintentional low kitsch, but at least it had Grace Jones in it. Fleischer's Red Sonja, in effect Conan III, is somewhere in between. With a decent budget from Dino de Laurentis it's less cheesy-looking than Conan II, closer to the ridiculous pomposity of the original, pretty awful but pretty funny. OMG the outfits, the dialogue, the story, the acting, the sets, the clumsy fight scenes, the pathetic attempts at humor, the horrible kid actor, Morricone's boom-bap score! They even had the good sense to bring Sandahl Bergman back for this one, only to hide her behind an ugly mask. If you like camp and kitsch, it's a pretty rich feast.
  • Where is the HD Purchase option??

    By Chloe Prince
    For lumpin sake, will you PLEASE stop release the HD Purchase option - I am not going to pay to rent - I WILL NEVER PAY TO RENT. I want to OWN my HD movies - and I will not be MILKED first for an HD Rental fee. Set my HD Free!!
  • Great movie

    By Sonyaper
    I was named after her. But my mom spelled with a "y". My mom has all the books. :)
