Promised Land

Promised Land

By Gus Van Sant

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2012-12-28
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 46min
  • Director: Gus Van Sant
  • Production Company: Image Nation Abu Dhabi
  • Production Country: United Arab Emirates, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 694 Ratings


Matt Damon stars in Promised Land, the compelling contemporary drama based on an original screenplay by John Krasinski and Damon and directed by Gus Van Sant (Milk, Good Will Hunting). Corporate salesman Steve Butler (Damon) has been dispatched to the rural town of McKinley with his sales partner (Frances McDormand) to offer much-needed relief to the economically hard-hit residents in exchange for drilling rights to their properties. What seems like an easy job for the duo quickly becomes complicated by a respected schoolteacher (Hal Holbrook), a slick environmental activist (Krasinski), and Steve's interest in a local woman (Rosemarie DeWitt). As they grapple with a surprising array of both open hearts and closed doors, the outsiders soon discover the strength of an American small town at a crossroads.



  • Ugh

    By JDekoz
    This could have been and should have been more. I wanted to like this film but it pulls its punches on both sides of the fracking argument and what results is a film that is too easy to watch and forget. I recommend Gasland over this.
  • It seems a nice story but financed by Abu Dhabi

    By Mauricio Safra
    I liked the story, and the movie. It seems an interesting debate. But the way the protrait it is manicheist, there are the good citizens and the bad guys (global corporation). But I liked the way Matt Damon´s role puts it in the beginning." In this theme you are not debating shale gas alone. You are either pro shale gas or you are in favor of OPEC oil. " If you look at who financed this movie, a company from Abu Dhabi, you can see that you are watching Muslim dictator´s propaganda. It is not strange that these guys are turned now enviromentalists. They see teh "greens" as protecting their monopoly. That´s why al Jazeera bought Al Gore and hsi TV Channel paying an astronomic price. Beware they are trying to buy you too.
  • Very Thoughtful

    By fytfftfgfyftftftyftt
    I enjoyed it alot, it was a well made movie with solid acting. It definitely sought to create a political argument, but the issue of natural gas drilling is simply a way to encompass new ways of thinking about a variety of issues. Rather than condemning it as biased and partisan on the issues, I think it, for the most part, reveals the lengths to which certain industries will go in order to evade democracy.
  • Excellent FIlm

    By kaiulanik
    This is an important film that will inform, educate, inspire and entertain you. The subject matter effects all of us. I definitely recommend renting and watching with family and friends!
  • Fact

    By LouisianaABC123
    Lafayette, LA has no lighthouses and is not on the gulf. Ironic given the whole storyline there
  • Eh...

    By Deadpulninja
    It could've been a great movie. The plot had potential, but the characters were so unrealistic that the movie just lost any credibility. It's not any particular actor's fault, but the script was horrible. What kind of natural gas land-broker doesn't know how cynical the business is. I can't believe that anyone who works for Haliburton (the obvious represented company that is Global) would be so naive. Also, the whole "eviromentalist working for Global" twist is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. There are so many things wrong with this film. Including the teacher who apparently has no stance about any issue, I've never met a teacher that didn't have a strong opinion about issues like this.
  • You may or may not agree with the message, but can judge a movie by that

    By snjnbnt
    This is a good movie, good script, great cast and great ending. You might disagree with the message, but u can't just rate a movie by its political message. It was fun to watched, Money well spend and also it make you THINK, it has a message that make you look at things in a different way. It you just want action and gun etc is not your kind of movie, but if you like movies that make you think this is the perfect movie.
  • Waste of time...

    By Nickodeemuss
    THis movie is more about alcoholism and imature leadership than anything. The politics and "deeper meaning" of the flick take a back seat to the main charcters drinking problem and frequent temper tantrums. Worthless movie. Ill give it two stars simply because I didnt see the big twist comming in the end. If not for that, id give it 0 stars.
  • Good film

    By Cam206
    Great crew of actors. Interesting twist at the end. Would watch this again
  • "Promised Land"

    Matt Damon's best film yet! This movie is filled with heart and soul!
