The Sea of Trees

The Sea of Trees

By Gus Van Sant

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2016-08-26
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 50min
  • Director: Gus Van Sant
  • Production Company: Waypoint Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 508 Ratings


In this powerful story of love and redemption, Matthew McConaughey stars as Arthur Brennan, an American professor who travels to Japan in the midst of a personal crisis. As he wanders through a mysterious forest with a dark past, he experiences flashbacks of his fraught but loving relationship with his wife, Joan (Naomi Watts), and meets an enigmatic stranger, Takumi (Ken Watanabe), who is lost and injured. Arthur devotes himself to saving Takumi and returning him home to safety, and the two embark on a spiritual, life-changing journey of friendship, discovery, and healing—one which may ultimately re-connect Arthur with his love for his wife.



  • Watched on Netflix

    By Duh_ITS DERP
    Awesome movie IMO!!! Very nice and sad story line, actors were actually not bad at all, would definitely watch again.
  • I loved it

    By Mr Silverblood
    A good movie makes you think, makes you question. This did good doing both. Near the start, I couldn’t quite understand everything (with a good movie, that’s usually what my brain is going through), but as it continued, it soon became clearer and clearer. When it was over, I looked at my wife and said, “Wow, that was really good!”
  • A Quietly Powerful Meditation...

    By shivanataraja5
    ...on avoidance, guilt, love and healing our deep self-inflicted wounds. Justin Chang calling this movie "a profound cultural insult" shows he does not know the Japanese culture at all. I have lived here for over a decade. This movie shows the Japanese culture and the nature that ensconces it in a positive light. Ken Watanabe is excellent in his supporting role that is, yes, not as prominent as McConaughey's, but just as important to the overarching feel of the story and its impact. This is the first time ever I have written a review for a movie, because of the shockingly low percentage given by the Tomatometer reviewers. Ignore it. If you enjoy a movie that will compel you to reflect upon your own ways of relating to the people you care about in your life with the intention to make a change toward more skillful and meaningful relationships, I encourage you to watch this movie.
  • Getting to the HEART of The Matter

    By Savona and Carmel
    So folks... If you are ready for a REAL movie about what REALLY matters, this is a movie that is a Game Changer you might be ready for. If it's time for you to digest and contemplate what LIFE is really about {and For} then you are ready to grasp the meaning behind this movie. It's a big deal and in the end it was summed up in one scene, "I didn't KNOW her. I knew when her car insurance needed to be paid, etc... etc..., but I didn't know HER." THIS is about what really... truly... matters. If you can understand this deep meaning, then the ending is actually profound and beautiful.
  • 3.75 stars ... but way better than its ratings suggest

    By crumb collector
    so id call this something like 3.75 stars. almost 4 stars. but its certainly not as bad as other reviews suggest. theres a handful of movies i love and that i think are well done or stylish (like tarsem's the fall, or the cell) that are way better than their general review rating, but THIS film i think is THE most contrasted between poor review ratings and good quality/acting that ive maybe ever seen. sure you probably wont buy it, but its a thinker, and the acting is intimate and offered with conviction. the lingering plot points arent an issue really. the film is ABOUT a kind of summation of life, its value, its uncertainty, etc.basically just relax about your expectations and watch a human experience. worth seeing at least once i say.
  • A beautful story of Purgatory

    By Toenine
    Just finished this movie. Two of my favorite actors didn't disappoint me. I always watch any and everything Matthew McConaughey and Naomi Watts do. This movie was slow and delightfully so. I was very moved. I thought the writing and the acting were awesome. You won't regret this purchase. Blessings.
  • A Hidden Bond That Reveals Growth

    By twistedchic
    Once again,it seems as though movies today are for and few left. I wonder sometimes where all the good actors went lately. I can only assume because of all the garbage that hollywood has made. Now,well it's gone to the iphones, food footage gore,sex,in all the wrong ways. I come across a hidden gem every once in a while. well,ratings i don't even look at, however i just knew this caught my eye, The acting, filming and scenery do make a difference in how a movie brings in emotion thru just that. I guess today it is not relevant. I would sugest many watch this,even if you know Matthew M. I don't believe any movie is a lifesaver,however you can feel as if this is a part of life anyone can experience,even though there are always going to be a differance of opinion, but life changes in some form.
  • Not uplifting

    By Racewalker Dude
    I'm a fan of Matthew Mc. I thought the quality of acting was great in this movie. But it's not very uplifting, almost depressing. Others may disagree. The movie trailer led me to believe this was going to be a "feel-good" movie. But I give it 3 stars for the good acting.
  • Negative reviews are completely off!

    By MxRxOMor
    Movie was great. Rotten tomatoes and other negative reviews are completely crazy.This film was way better than these negative reviews make one believe. Think the film needs a larger distro and it will hopefully do better. Lots of crappy movies get better reviews than this one but this film was actually really good with a nice heartfelt story.
  • This was a surprisingly good movie.

    By Rush_tm
    I enjoyed this movie. I don't agree with the critics. Great acting and plot. Something different then the typical Hollywood movies you see. It is a dark and deep movie that will leave you thinking about it afterwards. Give it a chance.
