I Am Michael

I Am Michael

By Justin Kelly

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2017-01-27
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 41min
  • Director: Justin Kelly
  • Production Company: Patriot Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 213 Ratings


I AM MICHAEL is the incredible true-life story of Michael Glatze (James Franco), a high profile queer youth activist who created a national controversy when he claimed to no longer be gay and became a straight Christian pastor. The film follows Michael from his life in San Francisco with his boyfriend Bennett (Zachary Quinto), where he pursues political activism, a journalist career at XY Magazine, social awareness, and sexual exploration, to his days of personal self-discovery. After a traumatic scare, Michael is plagued by doubt and paranoia, and begins a religious reawakening. Michael renounces his gay lifestyle, rejects his friends, and endeavors to find his “true self.” He explores Buddhism and Mormonism, yet ultimately lands at a Christian Bible school in rural Wyoming where he meets his girlfriend, Rebekah (Emma Roberts), and becomes the pastor of his own church. This powerful new film captures one man’s haunting journey through modern concepts of love, denial and redemption.



  • fun to watch your own prejudices!

    By Jeff Edward
    I liked this movie. It makes the viewer think and doesn't preach like most topical films with controversial subjects. The audience participates in the narrative which is something special. Watch it and you are watching your own prejudices, which is why I think some people find it uncomfortable.
  • Just stop, walk away from the camera

    By Altavelocidad
    Every rule in filmaking ignored, Someone needs to bench James Franco for a while. The man is producing bomb after bomb at this point.
  • No gasten su dinero . .

    By Arqui Santiago
    Es una total porqueria, sinceramente no gasten su dinero
  • Read the Wikipedia entry about the character instead.

    By Skip Fields
    Fine competent cast. Shallow pointless screenplay about a gay man who decides to stop living the lifestyle and pray the homosexual urges away. Disappointing.
  • Recovering

    By artistcaper
    Don't do it! I know, I know.... Just saying don't! Its such a meandering, never get there script. Felt like a freind who drugs or drinks and doesn't know yet that they've hit bottom...and they're calling you again at 4 a.m............arghhhhhh.
  • powerful story telling

    By B-o-o-t-y
    Great movie on a true story. James Franco,Zachary Quinto,Emma Roberts & Charlie Carver are all terrific giving award wining performances.
  • Good but not Great

    By Kris_goku
    It's been a long time since any LGBT movie has come out and while I think the story is good and I think James Franco played the part well, I couldn't get emotionally into the movie. I think his weight gain for the role wasn't necessary either.
  • Stirring and Thought Provoking

    By kwf2011
    I know Michael personally, the man whom this movie is about... Though I've only been there during a snippet of his whole story I can tell you that this movie does indeed represent him well as much as a movie can. I Am Michael is progressive in that it proves a continuing ethic in some who practice this truth; that growth and change is not something that lands in one spot and then ceases. The struggles we have in life are so often clouded by apparent conflict and consequences, not to mention the emotional weight, but Michael's story is shines light on the growth of a person. Can people really change? Is God there? Does He love me? Does He delight in me? This movie won't answer those questions, as is right in my mind, but it will prompt you to consider yourself and your direction. It's not really about gay vs straight and it never was... it's about who you really are. It's, most importantly, about who God is. James Franco does an excellent job in this film. From interviews and articles I've read of him, he truly believes that no stone should be left unturned in considering who we are as people, and no controversy goes without his attention. He demonstrates that continuing ethic of growth and change continuing past the "landing point" of so many others. By and large, this film is worth the time and contemplation it should ignite in all, regardless of background, orientation, beliefs, and/or fears. Definitely worth it.
  • Interesting film

    By MacMan9876
    I rented this primarily due to Zachary Quinto being in it, as I am a fan. From my perspective, after watching it, you needn't worry about this being an anti-gay film. Quite the opposite could be said, depending on your perspective. I hope the real Michael Glatze finds (found?) what he's looking for and has piece of mind.
  • Very random good movie

    By ab561
    There should be a part two it didn't end right but it sounds like a crazy true story. I give it 4 out of 5 James.
