The Lovely Bones

The Lovely Bones

By Peter Jackson

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2009-12-11
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 16min
  • Director: Peter Jackson
  • Production Company: WingNut Films
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, New Zealand, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 4,681 Ratings


Based on the best selling book by Alice Sebold, "The Lovely Bones" is the story of a 14-year-old girl from suburban Pennsylvania who is murdered by her neighbor. She tells the story from Heaven, showing the lives of the people around her and how they have changed all while attempting to get someone to find her lost body.



  • A beautiful movie

    By d-nero88
    If you have kids or a daughter and have a Beautiful imagination you need to watch this.
  • Amazing movie

    By mocki one
    I love this movie the only bad unhinged is I’ve met a guy like this and warn someone about him unfortunately they didn’t listen so I can relate on a deep level and only hope heaven is a peaceful place like this movie portrayed.
  • The lovely bones

    By AlbertoDelAldi
    My sister and I read this in the early 2000, I didn’t know much About Random Penguin House. Now, that I do it makes me a appreciate a good book, which are the foundations for Great Movies thanks
  • Great Book, Remarkable Adaptation to Cinema

    By Hey_Blondie!
    So many times a fantastic book doesn't get the right director or casting. I feel Peter Jackson translated to film what author Alice Sebold gives your imagination in her storytelling. And the casting was perfect! If you read a lot of Alice Sebold novels, you will like this adaptation. Highly recommend!
  • Omg

    By KeiraSwiftie#13
    I couldn’t sleep for months
  • Peter Jackson's best film but flawed

    By Nicholas becerra
    The Lovely Bones is a work of art it's a suprise to me that Peter Jackson was at the helm to direct this film and he directed the Lord of the Rings Troilgy and the Hobbit Trogily and now it was time for Peter Jackson to take a break from Wizards and Dwarfs and focus on his career. The Lovely Bones has a lovely cast including Saorise Ronan, Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci and Rachel Weiz. Originaly Ryan Gosling was going to play the role of the father figure character Jack Salmon (like the fish) but Ryan Gosling thought the role for a father was going to be hard and amusming. So Peter Jackson had no choice but to cast Mark Wahlberg and he is awful in this film but does a good job playing a father figure. And The Lovely Bones tells the story of Susie Salmon (Saorise Ronan) who lives in a nice pennsylvaina small town with her family untill one day in December 6 1973 his neighbor Mr.Harvey (Stanley Tucci) murders her after she had left school and had to go on a date with her crush! Then Jack Salmon (Wahlberg) and his wife Abigail Salmon (Weisz) are suffering from the loss from their daughter. Instead of crying all day to get a oscar Jack Salmon (Wahlberg) decides to take the law into his own hands but Mr. Harvey gets rid of the evidence and the fact he murdered Susie Salmon (Ronan) then Susie's younger sister Lindsay Salmon (Rose Mclver) suspects that Mr. Harvey killed Susie and she and his family have to put a stop to this werid neighbor. Needless to say Peter Jackson created a world of imagination, color, creativity, death, sadness and the life of the afterlife. When Susie Salmon goes into the afterlife it feels nothing like heaven where jesus gets want you want. The afterlife that creates everything that you wish for and the look of the afterlife Peter Jackson has created looks gorgeous and beautiful. Susie Salmon meets this Mr. Harvey victim Polly who had nothing to do with the movie and was a annonying character for Susie and myself. I admire that Peter Jackson directed the Lord of the Rings troilgy because those movies have character development, good storytelling and outstanding visuals but Lovely Bone is nothing like Lord of the Rings it's a murder mystery/ fantasy oprea that tells the human nature of the afterlife and the odyssey in between them. Sure there are other pointless characters like Grandma Lynn (Susan Sarandon) and Polly (Nikki Soohoo) who are one-dimensonal characters that serve no propose to the story and the movie. But Stanely Tucci's character Mr.Harvey (or George Harvey) gave a powerful and creepy performence as the crazy killer crazed neighbor that killed a bunch of children that are explained by Susie Salmon later in the film. Either way The Lovely Bones is a movie worth watching and listening to if you read the book because i haven't read the book so i can't tell the difference from the book and the movie itself. All the acting is good espically Saorise Ronan who did a really good job narrating the story and gave a excellent performence as Susie Salmon. I highly recommend The Lovely Bones it's worth entertaining, thrilling, well shot and visualy stunning in most parts go watch it. l
  • The Lovely Bones

    By McCowmaster
    I love this movie no regrets to watching it. It is one of my favorites and I never got bored of it but over all it is a really good movie.
  • Love this movie

    By summergirllover22
    This movie is the best if you are look for a good movie watch this, this is so sad that this actually happened I love this movie so much
  • Absolutely love this movie!!!

    By alecVbarber
    This movie is so freaking good, the author of the book did so good and the director of the movie portrayed Susie very well.
  • Beautiful movie

    By mikah.ann follow me on ig 😂;)
    This was a very beautiful movie that executed loss very accurately it’s very honest with the small things you experience after losing somebody close to you it’s the saddest movie I’ve ever watched because it's painfully accurate it’s my favorite movie.
