Blazing Saddles

Blazing Saddles

By Mel Brooks

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 1974-02-07
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 32min
  • Director: Mel Brooks
  • Production Company: Crossbow Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,901 Ratings


Ribald, tasteless and hilarious ... this classic spoof of the Western genre by director Mel Brooks pokes fun at everyone and everything. A corrupt governor grants a reprieve to an African American convict if the condemned man agrees to serve as sheriff of a small Western town, believing that new sheriff will only live long enough to serve the needs of the governor and his nefarious railroad-baron backer.



  • Amazing comedy

    By shallamaaa
    Comedy’s primary purpose is to evoke laughter and humility, so that we never take ourselves too seriously.
  • Best

    By TexasTlaw
    Show ever
  • I love this movie

    By Bashole
    It’s comedy gold. How this didn’t win every award ever I’ll never know.
  • Hailrious and very well intended

    By Nicholas becerra
    Blazing Saddles looks fake as anything but this movie is so funny that's it's a warner bros mistake. Sure Blazing Saddles is racist and very offenisve but it bascially works like this. I love all the jokes and well written characters that are intersesting to look it. I enjoyed this spoof movie in the end you think that this movie is builttproof and very well-written.
  • Hilarious

    By Dr. Cogent
    One of the funniest movies ever made and one that could never be made into today’s idiotic culture. A true masterpiece.
  • Mongo, just a pawn in the game of life!

    By Asantekamill
    Forget about that sh...t! Mongo is here!
  • Jacob

    By suebsmiles
    I see a tv show off that movie is going to a 2
  • Politic Correct is BS !

    By Patriot2322
    If you are tired of political correctness, ie you have a sense of humor, then this is the movie for you. It was made for men and women with guts. It pokes holes in the sacred cows of liberalism. How much better would it have been if they left in the “real zingers” that they allegedly took out? If you can’t laugh at it this movie then you are a meow meow.
  • The Sheriffs is a ni🛎

    By Tw13ted Mind
    He said the Sheriffs near! A movie like this will & never could happen in this age of day. Forever a classic with lots of awesome actors in it!
  • Pfitz51

    By Pfitz51
    Greatest movie of the time!
