

By Chris Wedge

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 2005-03-11
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 30min
  • Director: Chris Wedge
  • Production Company: Blue Sky Studios
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 4,612 Ratings


Featuring an all-star voice cast and a groundbreaking visual style that pushes the boundaries of animated filmmaking, Robots is a dazzling, fun-filled feast for the eyes and a riveting good time for all ages! Heading for the big city to pursue his dreams of helping robots everywhere with his talent for invention, a small town robot named Rodney Copperbottom (Ewan McGregor) embarks on the adventure of a lifetime. With the help of his misfit mechanical friends--Cappy (Halle Berry), a beautiful, dynamic and savvy bot with whom Rodney is instantly smitten; Bigweld (Mel Brooks), a master inventor who has lost his way; and a group of misfit 'bots known as the Rusties, led by Fender (Robin Williams) and Piper Pinwheeler (Amanda Bynes). Rodney and his pals take on the evil corporate tyrant Ratchet (Greg Kinnear) to prove that "you can shine no matter what you're made of".



  • I like this movie

    By TheLivingToast
    I’ve never watched this movie before but I’ve seen the movie clips on YouTube, I bet this would be a great entertaining movie to watch.
  • This is what Animation is suppose to be

    By Nicholas becerra
    I remember watching Robots and as a child it was incredibly animated and it has a lesser known storyline that made sense. But now watching it again wonderfuly animated, the characters are thrilly likable and interesting and the movie itself is cheesy, dumb and overrated but i like the actors we voice the characters and it made me tear up at points.
  • Good movie!

    By Cabron666
    good movie not bad for $4.99.
  • The Poo Was That?

    By PixarGoodDisneyBad
    I have no idea... 7/10... hate it when that snail, like, rubs him against the wall.
  • Amazing Movie!!!!!!!!

    By Rachel W. 🙈
    I have seen this movie so many times. It’s our tradition to watch it every New Year’s Eve and its great. I highly recommend you watch it. It is a very underrated movie, that a lot of people don’t know about. WATCH NOW if you have not already.
  • Power Overwhelming

    By ToonOOF
    Robots is quite possibly the greatest creation of the century. I went to see it in cinemas at least 2 times a day until they banned me from the theater. I mourned for weeks until the film was released on video. I don’t know how Blue Sky was able to suppress this movie’s raw power into disc form, but gosh dang it they found a way. I watched the DVD as many times as humanly possible before the DVD player exploded, killed all of the tenets at my apartment complex except myself, and left the DVD in pieces. Me, being desperate to watch more Robots, began to try to forge it back together. I infused the DVD with the 1000 souls that died when my apartment complex exploded, but it was no use, it only made the film more powerful. After multiple failed tests I realized that the DVD began to form its own consciousness. It was alive. The film released itself from its CD prison and began to attack me and my many cardboard cutouts of Aunt Fanny. It destroyed my lab and is trying to escape my bunker as we speak. I’m hiding in one of my cabinets as I’m writing this, imploring you purchase Robots if you wish to be spared from its coming wrath.
  • Not Bad

    By Irvin2020
    I think it’s cool how an animated movie was made about talking robots with voices that don’t just sound automated like the typical robots you imagine. I really like this movie, especially the domino scene. I watched it when I was very young, which is why I had some trouble understanding it, but now I really like watching various scenes from this movie and having flashbacks. I love the soundtrack, too. John Powell wrote a fantastic score, and the filmmakers made amazing song choices! Every kid should see this movie before they grow up, and I think adults will have a great time watching it with their kids!
  • I thought this was a dream

    By dns x x n mcc zxn
    I always had very realistic memories of this movie. I watched it as a child and haven’t seen it since. Because I thought this was a very detailed dream (musical numbers and all) I never brought up that I watched this movie. Still doesn’t seem very real. Too good to be true.
  • !nven+ed R0b0+$

    By Jolovesgum
    +h!$ wuz +he 2nd m0v!e +h@+ wuz ever m@de by +he c0mp@ny Blue $ky $+ud!0$. R0b0+$ wuz m@de @f+er !ce @ge & B4 m@k!n' !ce @ge: +he Mel+d0wn. Bu+ @nyw@y$, +he f!lm wuz pre++y g00d. Eye w!ll w@+ch !ce @ge: +he mel+d0wn nex+ B4 Eye w@+ch +he 4+h f!lm c@lled H0r+0n He@rz @ wh0.

    By Sierra.Benton
    I watch this movie amap ( as much as possible) it's awesome !!!!! I love mechanics of all types. I have a masters degree in it. It's just so cool!!! And robin Williams is my favorite character the red guy! You need to get this like now!!!! Do it do it do it!!!!
