The Little Rascals

The Little Rascals

By Penelope Spheeris

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 1994-08-05
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 22min
  • Director: Penelope Spheeris
  • Production Company: Universal Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,221 Ratings


They’re all here! Spanky, Alfalfa, Buckwheat, Darla, Stymie, Porky, Petey the dog and all of the Little Rascals star in this hilarious heartwarming classic directed by Penelope Spheeris (Wayne’s World). Their new adventures begin at an emergency meeting of the “He-Man Womun Haters Club.” Alfalfa has fallen in love with Darla, threatening the very existence of their “boys only” club. Further trouble ensues when their clubhouse is destroyed and their prized go-cart “The Blur” is stolen by the neighborhood bullies. How can they win the big race and its prize trophy? Through mischief and mayhem, tricks and ingenuity, the rascals will learn the value of true friendship...and even an appreciation of girls!



  • Darlene fan

    By Lilly Garden Pro
    This is the best movie in the world it is so funny and good i recommend it to everyone in the whole universe
  • 1 I hate darh Vader 2 your such a Karen

    By Ifuxjf
    I don’t think you have any nuts for you its no nut December always.
  • Hilarious

    By Boardz20
    Great classic movie, a must watch for all ages
  • Literal classic

    By ugh🙄👿
    I will never stop loving this movie. It’s truly a masterpiece🤍
  • Doesn’t hold up at all

    By Yorick Delano
    As someone who grew up watching this movie, I can verify that this is the definition of waking up to find yourself too old for certain things. Now I’m not someone who thinks it’s weird for adults to enjoy children’s entertainment, I myself still love Spongebob, Animaniacs, the Peanuts, good ol’ Nintendo games, Toy Story, I even think some movies like Beauty and the Beast and Fantastic Mr Fox are better as a grownup, but I’m also aware that there’s media with a clear expiration date, because having rewatched this movie recently as of writing this I can verify that it is the equivalent of watching an elementary school play that none of your own children are in. I don’t mean to criticize the child actors so harshly because they clearly too young to be expected to properly act in a movie, but the acting is honestly pretty hard to watch. There are certain worse movies out there for kids to watch like Daddy Day Care and Norm of the North, but there are also WAY better options like How to Train Your Dragon and Spirited Away that it’s impossible to see why you would choose this movie over hundreds of better films
  • I love the movie but I’m mad

    By ❤️🥰😘💙💚💜😊🥺😇
    I’m kind of mad that they put the worst man in the world in the movie Donald Trump!! Like why?!? He is horrible!
  • Why is

    By sleepyja
    Our president in this 🎥
  • Hahahah❤️

    By smilegiod
    This is a good movie to me ❤️
  • Eye l0ve +he L!++le R@$c@l$

    By Jolovesgum
    Eye ju$+ w@+ched +h!$ 1994 f!lm 0n Ne+fl!x 2d@y & !+ wuz gr8. Eye l!ke @lf@lf@ w!+h +he h@!r $+!ck!n' up. & +he 45+h pre$!den+ pl@yed @$ W@ld0'$ d@ddy, wh!ch !$ D0n@ld +rump. Bu+ he d!d n0+ ex$!$+ @$ pre$!den+ ye+ when +h!$ f!lm wuz m@de.
  • Happy 😁

    By tasha77
    I am so happy the little rascals is on iTunes. I grew up watching the original series as a child, which I love💕💕. I ended up liking this edition as a teen because my cousin watched it every day. It really is a fun and cute movie⭐️⭐️
