Top Gear, Season 22

Top Gear, Season 22

Top Gear

  • Genre: Nonfiction
  • Release Date: 2015-01-12
  • Advisory Rating: TV-MA
  • Episodes: 10
  • iTunes Price: USD 17.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 27.99
From 101 Ratings


Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May and The Stig are back in the all-new 22nd season of the world's favorite car show. Kicking things off, the guys are on a 1600-mile trek through Patagonia to the southernmost city in the world. Then, the presenters race each other across St Petersburg, attempt to build better ambulances, find the perfect classic convertibles for an English summer, and celebrate the world's most indecisive car company.


Title Time Price
1 Patagonia Special, Pt. 1 1:02:14 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Patagonia Special, Pt. 2 1:03:04 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Episode 1 1:02:26 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Episode 2 58:56 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Episode 3 1:02:44 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Episode 4 1:02:37 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Episode 5 1:02:27 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Episode 6 1:02:16 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Episode 7 1:02:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Episode 8 1:12:15 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • Great as always from the three stooges of the BBC

    By The Stig's Asianadian cousin
    Dear so called TOP GEAR why don't you just make a legal road car that is faster than a Bugatti veyron.
  • Where's the Extra Episode?

    By Charlizard1030
    I paid for the whole season, and they did not add the last episode until after I bought it. I paid for the WHOLE season, not just part of it!
  • Season pass???

    By keroberos
    Update! Just spoke to a nice man at Apple who told me that I was already refunded for the entire season pass back in March. Wish they'd let me know but Apple did this automatically. Thank you! Okay now the need to pay for the new episode makes sense. +2stars I love this show, I would give it 5 stars, if not for two reasons. 1) I paid for a season pass but the season was cancelled with three more episodes to go, thus I think that there should have been some price adjustment reflecting the fewer episodes. 2) I see that there was a new episode for this season added in July. I have a season pass. Why do I have to purchase this episode separately? Apple are u trying to double dip here? No Bueno! Minus 2 stars!
  • Apple needs refund me.

    By jatluo
    Paid the whole series for $24. But only 7 came out. Clarkson been suspended by BBC. When the 8th came out , I need to pay "$2.99" for the it.
  • Very classy move by two of the richest companies in the world.

    By meat_gun
    So the BBC is apparently trying to squeeze those final few pounds and dollars out of Top Gear while they can before their new show tanks next year. There are normally 10 - 12 episodes in a season of Top Gear and when the season was cut short by the punching incident I assumed once they decided how to air the episodes I would just see them added to the season I already own.... They added episode 10... And $3 price tag. This I'm assuming to own the rest of season 22 will wind up costing me $10 more than the $30 I have already paid. Leave it to those classy folks at the BBC... If I'm wrong and I'm missing some way to download the 10th episode of the season I've already paid for please let me know and I will gladly apologize and remove this review.
  • F#%# YOU BBC

    By Nick java
    F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU F#%# YOU Sincerely, all the people who have been loyal Top Gear fans since season 1.
  • Where are the rest of the episodes

    By Matthegreat458456
    Since I paid for the season pass and top gear has now released the rest of the seasons episodes how come I don't have them
  • Why do I have to buy the last episode???

    By M1sterChev1ou5
    I purchased Top Gear Season 22 (HD) which includes all episodes for the season. So why do I have to pay $2.99 for the Season 22 episode 8??? Apple iTunes it's your responsibility to make sure we get what we paid for OR refund me!!
  • An utter disgrace

    By Aventador0000689
    5 out of 5 stars for episode 1-7 and the specials. Episode 8 was such a joke. An elephant in the room, really? Guess that's how the BBC gets a good laugh in while disappointing everyone else. No ending music either? This is the end of the era for Top Gear, yes there still will be the name Top Gear, but the BBC will not be able to find anyone else that can fill those standards of Richard, Jeremy, and James. And yes, Chris Evans will not be nearly as successful as the trio. Way to ruin it for everyone BBC.
  • Pay for new episode?

    By Jellis629
    I bought Season Pass, now they charge me for episode 8? = bad deal
