Top Gear, The Specials, Vol. 1

Top Gear, The Specials, Vol. 1

Top Gear

  • Genre: Nonfiction
  • Release Date: 2009-03-30
  • Advisory Rating: TV-14
  • Episodes: 5
  • iTunes Price: USD 8.99
From 101 Ratings


Top Gear is quite simply the world's biggest car show. Multi-award-winning and broadcast in more than 100 countries, cars are just the starting point for epic road trips, over-ambitious projects, and loads of good old-fashioned mucking about by hosts and celebrities who really should know better. Top Gear Specials involve more intense challenges then the normal trouble Jeremy, James and Richard seem to get into including trips to the North Pole, Africa and Asia.


Title Time Price
1 Botswana Special 51:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Winter Olympics Special 59:29 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Vietnam Special 1:13:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 US Road Trip Special 59:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Polar Special 51:54 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • great but...

    By odin907
    they cencored or edited music from the orignal or cut some clip out
  • The Winter Olympics

    By Big Max 1
    I have never laughed so hard in my life! Great episode.... A must see!
  • Dead Air

    What a rip off, paid for all 5 episodes and got nothing but 700 MB per episode of black screens and silence! DO NOT DOWNLOAD!!
  • epic

    By Jack rally
    best ever and i am the best topgear fan ever
  • Polar Special, Vietnam Special, India Special, etc.

    By willk1
    Why does iTunes/Apple continue to edit and censor out parts of Top Gear episodes and specials? Is it to make the program more enjoyable? Is it to make the program more "U.S. friendly"? This is ridiculous.....if I pay for a show, I want to watch the show.....not pay for and watch some doctored program that clearly takes out some of the best parts. Thanks for nothing iTunes/Apple and for ruining a fantastic show!!!
  • 2 great - 2 average - 1 bad

    By Yellowwilddaisy
    I would buy the Botswana and Vietnam episodes and leave the other episodes. Especially the USA episode is a really bad episode. They set out to improve that USA citizens are fat, impolite and intolerable. I found it thoroughly distasteful, since I know they would not try the same stunts in their own country.
  • Best!

    By conlostoros
    Simply the Best show since the dawn of time.
  • Arctic Special

    By RoSantos
    Amusing show. I want the arctic special too...
  • Where is the arctic special???

    By Paul KH
    Top gear is great but itunes needs to put the arctic special up!!!
  • missing something

    By Gators6
    You need to keep this up to date and add the newest special from the middle east. Now!
