

American Experience

  • Genre: Nonfiction
  • Release Date: 2012-02-20
  • Advisory Rating: TV-PG
  • Episodes: 4
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 8.99
From 32 Ratings


From draft-dodging to the Dayton Accords, from Monica Lewinsky to a balanced budget, the presidency of William Jefferson Clinton veered between sordid scandal and grand achievement. In Clinton, the latest installment in the critically acclaimed series of presidential biographies, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE explores the fascinating story of an American president who rose from a broken childhood in Arkansas to become one of the most successful politicians in modern American history—and one of the most complex and conflicted characters to ever stride across the public stage. Featuring unprecedented access to scores of Clinton insiders, including White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers, White House Counsel Bernard Nussbaum, White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, and Deputy Chief of Staff Harold Ickes, as well as interviews with foreign leaders, members of the Republican opposition, childhood friends, staffers from Clinton’s years as governor of Arkansas, biographers, and journalists, Clinton explores how the man’s conflicted character made history, even as it enraged his enemies and confounded his friends.


Title Time Price
1 The Comeback Kid 52:07 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Blood Sport 52:07 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 A Real President 52:06 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 The Survivor 52:06 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • A Presidential History lesson!

    By sares dopi
    Saw this on PBS online for free! Like all of the American Experience online.
  • Era of Lies, Treason, Corruption and Disgrace

    By Sam's Landing
    THE REAL CLINTON LEGACY?!? Middle Class Tax Cut that won an election, then became retroactive massive Middle Class tax increase? Sale of nuclear technology to the Chinese? Nuclear research security breaches? Condoms as Christmas tree ornaments? Selling out US energy providers by selling the White House to foreign campaign contributors? White House USMC treated with open contempt? Fraudulent stock market bubble that burst, wiping out countless millions of retirement accounts? Sex in or about the Oval Office? Budget and welfare reform directly resulting from a Republican takeover of Congress? Miserably failed back room assault on healthcare? Closing LAX because "he needed a haircut"? Unending attacks on Traditional American Values? Inexplicable Presidential Pardons to terrorists and insiders? Theft of classified documents for the National Archives? Unindicted criminality before and during the White Water/House years? Unsolved murder(s)? Violation of Fundamental Rights? Unreported or simply glossed over?!?
  • Both sides need to get over it.

    By mollyloumelon
    gyhighway made a good point and then blew it. I couldn't agree more that the reviews here should be about the show and not the person. The review then goes on to be about - wait for it! - Clinton AND another who is not even the subject of the show. I am so sick of hipocracy, no matter which side you're on. For what it's worth, I didn't particularly like the way this show was put together, but I did think it was interesting to see Clinton from this perspective.
  • I downloaded this free, but now it doesn't work. Thanks Apple

    So, I downloaded the first episode when it was free, since I thought I might like it. A couple days after I downloaded it, I noticed that it was $2.99. No big deal, right? WRONG. While the audio works, the screen is black. And it isn't my computer, just this video.
  • Best show ever in history

    By Allison Zyper
    I love this show so much it is awesome
  • Well done

    By Racujo123
    In my 60 years Bill Clinton has been the only president I have truly felt connected to. This documentary does a great job of revealing the man, the politician and the president. There is none of us who are not flawed. Too often we throw out the greatness of a person because they are not perfect. This documentary shows him as he is/was. It makes me respect and love him all that much more. We were lucky to have him and he is still a national treasure.
  • BJ Prez

    By vrock777
    He was a community organizer just like O. As long as the Dems keep handing out cash they will be thought of as great leaders. The world was flush with fake lending and lies during the Slick Willy years and it made him look great. In my opinion (I know we all have one) this was a waste of film. It trickles down peeps not up. Don't be brainwashed.
  • One of the "Greatest Residents" - see previous post

    By Terence P
    He's an interesting character and aided by the economic times, of which he had little to direct and much to follow. Would you be proud to call him your husband, or father, or son? Bill Clinton is a flawed man. Many who achieved the presidency were. He's far from the model person I would want to be or want my children to emulate. Get off your political high horse and admit that our system, not the individual players, are at the root cause. You're not right because your left. and your not wrong because you're right. Things have got to change. You're not going to get there by blindly taking sides.
  • Awesome

    By Jeudiblonde
    Ark media has done it again....what more can i say but wow!
  • One of our greatest Presidents....

    By la2161
    I love Bill Clinton...yes, he had his faults, but he brought this country to a better place...filled with prosperity, peace and hope. And then, good ole George W. came along and screwed everything up. I'm very happy to see that PBS has done this documentary on him and it's wonderful, by the way. Despite the Monica Lewinsky scandal, (mark my words) Bill Clinton will go down as one of our greatest residents of all time. Thank you PBS and iTunes! When will the second half be available to download??
