We Shall Remain

We Shall Remain

American Experience

  • Genre: Nonfiction
  • Release Date: 2009-04-13
  • Advisory Rating: TV-PG
  • Episodes: 5
  • iTunes Price: USD 6.99
From 32 Ratings


A provocative multi-media project that establishes Native history as an essential part of American history. The centerpiece of this initiative is a television series that tells five heartbreaking, yet inspiring stories. Together they highlight Native ingenuity and resilience over the course of 300 years. The series upends two-dimensional stereotypes of American Indians as simply ferocious warriors or peaceable lovers of the land. Benjamin Bratt narrates.


Title Time Price
1 We Shall Remain: After the Mayflower 1:16:19 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 We Shall Remain: Tecumseh's Vision 1:25:14 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 We Shall Remain: Trail of Tears 1:14:17 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 We Shall Remain: Geronimo 1:16:47 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 We Shall Remain: Wounded Knee 1:18:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • Native American Culture...

    By IndiaInk1968
    While Entrepoid criticizes about the lack of Native American culture, perhaps that is because this reviewer does not understand the impact that colonization has played on the culture of Native Americans. Being an Indigenous American myself as well as a history teacher, this series does all that I could have hoped for. It portrays a history that was never part of my high school history class; a history that I longed to know more about. It illustrates the generational grief still felt by many Native Americans today, myself and my son included. I never realized that he, being so young, would feel the influence of the history of the American Indian, but I was wrong. He, and so many other young Native American students still feel the impact of colonization and imperialism. I'm also assuming that in each state, there is a companion series for the tribes located in those states. Through our own local PBS station, the We Shall Remain series highlights the various nations that live throughout Utah. This series only opens the doors to a much needed discussion about the histories we never talk about. It is a tool. So before you reach for disappointment, realize that understanding the local culture (i.e. Pueblo, et al.) comes not from watching videos, but by exploring the culture on your own. Listening to those around you and about their experience, not as an observer, but as a student...wiling to learn with an open heart.
  • great

    By Anna phillips
    I was in the movie with my dad and family episode 1 and I thought it was great and detailed
  • Decent.

    By VonErick Beyale
    This is a very good series but still a lot of information was left out. I kinda didn't like Episode 5 because it made it seem that the American Indian Movement was all about violence and what not, but thats not how they are. Overall its good but all the information is just not there.
  • Where is Episode 5 - Wounded Knee?

    By Pagan Poetry
    Episode 5 was a selection of the 2009 Sundance Film Festival, but isn't here, why not?
  • Educational Purposes

    By Trail of Tears
    I used the movie to discuss the Indian Removal from Georgia with my students. I thought the video was very detailed and well thought out. My students seemed to really enjoyed it and it gave them a visual image of what was going on during that time period. Thank you so much.
  • Very Beautiful (But no other PBS American Experience programming on iTunes??)

    By 1KT
    Very interesting snapshots of Native American history and their well-known, ahem, "predicaments" imposed by you-know-who. (Please add other PBS "American Experience" shows...how can this be the only one on iTunes/AppleTV? Thinking especially of the recent documentary on Roberto Clemente...amazing.)
  • No Such Thing as a Vanishing Race

    By El Grito
    I agree with notion that the other reviewer raised, there is little if anything about particular groups of Indian peoples and this series is by no means comprehensive. That said, I do give this a top rating because so many people are so ignorant about American Indians and their plight that any time devoted to the study of Indian peoples is a necessary and good thing. I only hope people viewed this series and were inspired to learn more. Read the work of Vine Deloria, Winona LaDuke, Jack Forbes, Phillip Deloria, Leslie Marmom Silko, Sherman Alexie, Paula Gunn Allen, Ned Blackhawk etc etc. Let this series be a means to an end and not the end of your education about the American Indian experience.
  • Disappointing

    By entrepoid
    There is very little about Native American culture or it's complexity in this series. There is also an East Coast bias, having very little about the experience of Native Americans in the West, and nothing about the Northwest. To have a program about Geronimo and present maps that completely erase the existence of and have no mention of the Puebloan cultures is absurd. I suppose there is some slight value in this series in presenting a very cursory look at a few historic episodes, but it is a fairly superficial series.
