The Office - Producer's Picks

The Office - Producer's Picks

The Office

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2008-09-25
  • Advisory Rating: TV-14
  • Episodes: 10
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 9.99
From 4,398 Ratings


Once in a while, there comes along a show so good, so funny and so outstanding, that it’s hard to agree on what are its best episodes. So, we gave up and asked someone else to do it. And who better than the show’s Emmy Award-winning writer and Executive Producer, Greg Daniels. He thought about it long and hard (that's what he said) and came up with his top ten list. Well, he's the boss...and this is his favorite funny.


Title Time Price
1 Health Care 22:02 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 The Alliance 21:58 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Office Olympics 21:27 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Performance Review 21:30 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 The Injury 21:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Gay Witch Hunt 21:57 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 The Convict 21:11 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Business School 21:42 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Local Ad 21:35 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Chair Model 21:45 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • Stress Relief?!

    By pretty Gleeky
    Stress Relief, The Injury, The Alliance, Booze Cruise, and Gay Witch Hunt are some of my favorites. ESPECIALLy Stress Relief. Also, I <3 BJ Novak aka Ryan Howard
  • Need some more

    By yourMOM66996969
    These are all good and funny but I think they are missing a few like stress relief.
  • Good Picks

    By Alexander the grrrrrrrreat
    Good choices Personally I think that they all are great but I think Conflict Resolution and the Dundies and Basketball Should be added
  • Great Deal!

    By barackobama1108
    If you were to buy each of these episodes individually it would cost $30, but it only costs $10! Pretty sweet! and these are pretty good episodes! I love the Office...I hope they'll do more collections like this again.
  • Great episodes, but...

    By G. G. Thompson
    "Basketball" from season 1 should definitely be in there too.
  • Love the Office, but...

    By Jim&Pam
    I absolutely adore the Office- it has to be one of my all time favorite shows. However, I don't think the episodes they picked were the absolute funniest. They're still good, but not really the best. It's a good deal though, so you might want to take advantage of it :)
  • The Office= everyones bff

    By The Office HD
    The most amazing and totally hilarious show i have ever seen. When you see just one episode, you are hooked forever. I have watched every season probably five times and i always find myself laughing. Michael Scott and Dwight are absolutely hilarious and in each episode, they never fail to make me laugh. A must see show, The Office is one of a kind!!!
  • YES! the office is amaazingg!

    By itsabigworldoutthere
    WOW. The office is pretty much one of the funniest shows in TV. You might have to get a little used to their humor, but once you get it (it doesn't take long) it's HILARIOUS! You get to know eac and every one of the characters and its amazing how they all interact with each other. Dunder Mifflin Inc, is pretty much the worst place you can work (its incredibly boring - i mean come on, a paper company?) but thats the joke of it. There's so much going on and life is really exciting. Jim and Pam are cutest couple ever! and I LOVE andy bernard :D
  • Wow..

    By ZZ Bottom 13
    Great list inculding chair model... should add gossip
  • Great Choices

    By Madison_24
    The Office is one of my all time favorite TV shows and there are some great episodes here! I really love The Injury and Health Care. However I think are all hysterical and totally worth the money! Weight Loss and Stress Relief are great episodes- I am surprised they aren't included here! Honestly, I have liked almost every episode of The Office- You really can't go wrong no matter which one you pick! They are all great!
