South Park, Season 24 (Uncensored)

South Park, Season 24 (Uncensored)

South Park

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2020-09-30
  • Advisory Rating: TV-MA
  • Episodes: 2
  • iTunes Price: USD 3.98
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 5.98
From 4,464 Ratings


South Park is an Emmy Award-winning animated series about four boys living in a screwed-up Colorado town. Between tragedies global and local, as well as parental and celebrity interference, Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny manage to have themselves a time.


Title Time Price
1 The Pandemic Special 47:27 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 South ParQ Vaccination Special 46:55 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • Aidenjamesring

    By aidenjamesring
  • Missing the last two episodes

    By NJackman
    This is not the complete season
  • Half, Short, Experimental Failure

    By Copperback
    Due to contracts seems episodes 3 & 4 are considered movies and not part of season nor available on itunes... sad mess of a season already being delayed for longer but overall less episodes. Another failed experimental season on south park's side.
  • Waste of money

    By Dmdean1988
    You buy the pass and are promised all future episodes to only receive two! What a ridiculous waste of money
  • Two episodes

    By Gdihfhhxj
    Would if I could get my Money back
  • Add more voice actors

    By PathMax
    I like the show, it makes me laugh. I’m just tired of random people from the town being the same voice or similar to one of the main characters. Can’t you pay some random person to read a script? Sounding like two different people is beyond us regular Joes. Trey Parker should stop playing 50 different people because if I am just listening to the show and not watching - it’s lowering the quality of a hilarious show. Please fix it!
  • I love South Park and bought the season pass…

    By boxofoddities2
    Like 2 years ago?
  • Expensive Season Pass!

    By Benmully74
    Why is the season pass $7 when the two episodes are only $6?!! Are we getting more in this season pass, or can we get our $1 back?
  • Not as funny as it used to be

    By Anonomous1989
    Unfortunately South Park doesn’t have that magical charm that it used to have. Like watching an old dog starting to grow gray hairs... it might be time to start thinking about putting it down.
  • Only two

    By lilmikeinfiniti
    Pay for a season pass and only get two episode
