South Park, Season 21 (Uncensored)

South Park, Season 21 (Uncensored)

South Park

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2017-09-13
  • Advisory Rating: TV-MA
  • Episodes: 11
  • iTunes Price: USD 16.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 24.99
From 4,464 Ratings


Join Cartman, Kenny, Stan, and Kyle as they take on the opioid epidemic, experiment with water bears, dig into the underbelly of social media and go to war with Canada.


Title Time Price
1 White People Renovating Houses 22:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Put It Down 22:07 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Holiday Special 22:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Franchise Prequel 22:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Hummels & Heroin 22:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Sons a Witches 22:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Doubling Down 22:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Moss Piglets 22:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Super Hard PCness 22:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Splatty Tomato 22:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 South Park Tease/Mobile Game Trailer 01:12 Free Buy on iTunes


  • Season 21 is so boring.

    By annoyingorange823
    Splatty tomato has no comedy and too many frowny faces. And this season overall is just stupid and lame. Crystal is scared of trump because that’s stupid. She didn’t smile or laugh. And what’s the point when Heidi broke up with cartman? And North Korea is really bad. The fat Heidi frowned most of the time. And the only smile in splatty tomato was on butters’ face when he was with PC principal and his wife. I GIVE UP. if it wasn’t for Anne garefino, South Park wouldn’t exist at all. And if. It wasn’t for the scary president in the beginning of splatty tomato, I wouldn’t feel weird.
  • Great and all, but where's Season 22 Season Pass

    By AB81Rules
    We've yet to get the season pass for season 22, it premiered wednesday, we usually get it with a 101 preview or recap. C'mon iTunes put it up, I have iTunes credit reserved for season 22. But this is a great show, one of the best of all time. I just want to have season 22, so I have all seasons on iTunes. To those wondering where episodes 200 and 201 are, and Super Best Friends, it's Comedy Central, they're not on HULU either, who gets the episodes earlier than iTunes and others. It's all due to Mohamed beng shown, it offended Muslims, which I get. And am fine with. But please get season 22 APPLE.
  • Only 2 more seasons left!

    By GeekOnSleek4
    One of the episodes has a scene where it looks like the same from the E3 2016 trailer for The Fractured But Whole and the finale episode has a cliffhanger and Season 22 might pick up where the season 21 finale left off. Fingers crossed!
  • Just Not Funny

    By underdog808
    This season lacks all that made South Park funny. Running on fumes.
  • F***ing amazing

    By super ko 10
    Welp time to put on my recording box for new episodes so far this season looks promising-written by SUPER KO 100/ SOUTHDUDE12
  • Put it down

    By ( same as title)
    Put it down is by far one of the best songs ever written by SouthPark
  • Way too funny!!

    By Sumbi
    I laughed out loud at 2:30am! Loved this episode, SouthPark Rules!!
  • cool

    By Wiley_g4l
    so far so good keep it up south park
  • 'Sons A Witches' - First Laugh Out Loud in a While!

    By emzz2013
    I know there are plenty of South Park critics who complain that the show has gotten too 'political' or has waded too far into social and cultural issues -- I personally do not understand what they expect from SP - the show has, for a long time, been written in reaction to timely subjects with hilarious takes and exposing hypocrisy in some very serious matters. That said -- 'Sons A Witches' is a step back to the unfettered, insanely funny, utter nonsense - aside from one scene and one hilarious unspoken phrase - it is just brilliant. This seems like an episode they have thought about for a while (although it probably, like all other episodes) only came together at the very last moment How can you not lose your shat as you see the silhouette of the guys walking up the hill and singing 'everybody have fun tonight!, jack and crack witch week tonight!'.....I had to pause that scene numerous times.....nearly crying from laughter
  • South Park

    By UTxHookEm
    I can’t believe there has been 21 seasons and South Park continues to amaze. This season is hilarious. I think Hummels & Heroin is my favorite. Put it down is another funny episode.
