Family Guy, Season 19

Family Guy, Season 19

Family Guy

  • Genre: Animation
  • Release Date: 2020-09-27
  • Episodes: 21
  • iTunes Price: USD 34.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 39.99
From 4,498 Ratings


Family Guy continues to entertain its die-hard fan base with razor-sharp humor, spot-on parodies, spectacular animation and orchestra-backed original music. Since its debut, the series has reached cult status among fans, and its breakout star, a talking baby, has become one of the greatest TV characters of all time.


Title Time Price
1 Stewie's First Word 21:33 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 The Talented Mr. Stewie 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Boys & Squirrels 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Cutawayland 21:37 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 La Famiglia Guy 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Meg's Wedding 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Wild Wild West 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Pawtucket Pat 21:37 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 The First No L 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Fecal Matters 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Boy's Best Friend 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 And Then There's Fraud 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
13 Peterminator 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
14 The Marrying Kind 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
15 Customer of the Week 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
16 Who's Brian Now? 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
17 The Young Parent Trap 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
18 Meg Goes to College 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
19 Family Cat 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
20 Tales of Former Sports Glory 21:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
21 Family Guy: Favorite Episodes 02:14 Free Buy on iTunes


  • Aidenjamesring

    By Aiden James ring
  • Aidenjamesring

    By aidenjamesring
  • Super funny

    By Khalifa-M1
    It’s always hilarious I’m pretty sure a lot of these 1 star reviews are unjustified.
  • I hope people have calmed down now all episodes are available

    By AB81Rules
    Looks like Apple & Disney got it worked out, all 20 episodes are available to download or stream, got the notification yesterday morning.
  • It’s Apples duty to make sure their customers are getting what they paid for.

    By Mr. Swedish
    It has been several weeks since and still have not gotten all the episodes for family guy and still missing at least one episode from the Simpsons. It is their responsibility to make sure all of the season Pass customers get what they paid for or give us a refund.
  • Apple needs to get with the network to release episodes!

    By kellebelle60
    Update to my below review: I asked Apple for a refund on the missing episodes and they asked me to list out all the episode titles and numbers that are missing & they’ll look into it (what? Shouldn’t they have this info??) and they said they cannot provide a refund for specific episodes, they can only refund the entire season pass. Anyway, I suggest everyone demand a refund on their season pass (and if you want to, just re-purchase once all episodes are available.) Apple is full of crap and shouldn’t be able to take our money and not provide what we paid for. The most recent episodes are not available on iTunes, even though they aired over a week ago. I reached out to Apple support about this a while ago, and they blamed the TV network for not making the episodes available and instructed me to reach out to them. (???) This is unacceptable as I paid APPLE - not the network! It is APPLE’s duty to see to it that their customers get what they already PAID FOR. The customer shouldn’t have to jump through hoops.
  • What is up with Fox?

    By TJ Spyke
    I know the issue isn't with Apple, but Fox has not uploaded ANY episode of The Simpons, Family Guy, or Bob's Burgers since mid-March. If Apple can't make Fox upload their episodes, they should offer us refunds since I tend to buy season passes for shows
  • Disney Pulled Family Guy license!

    By instantix
    Reportedly Disney Pulled Apple's license for Family Guy, prior to expiration. This is so the Disney Conglomerate, can make you pay to watch on Hulu or other Disney owned SVODs.
  • Missing most recent episodes!

    By idbkyle
    Bought iTunes pass for season and first started with delayed episodes now they totally haven’t released the last several episodes and when I contacted apple they told me they had no control and that i should contact the network (20th century fox)…I paid Apple for the season pass not the network. I was able to watch them on Hulu. Disappointed in Apples response and unwillingness to help.
  • Where are the missing episodes?????

    By MAlmheiri
    Where are the missing episodes?????
