Justice League: Gods and Monsters

Justice League: Gods and Monsters

By Sam Liu

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2015-10-12
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 15min
  • Director: Sam Liu
  • Production Company: Warner Bros. Animation
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 573 Ratings


From animation legend Bruce Timm, comes an all-new original movie. A seemingly familiar Metropolis skyline, though upon closer inspection this is not the same city. Journey to an alternate universe where the Justice League is now a trio of unchecked terror. Employing methods of intimidation and fear, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman deal a brute force of justice. But, when a group of famed scientists experience untimely "accidents", a government task force follows the trail of clues to the Justice League or is there a more powerful player operating from the shadows. It's a high stakes game of intrigue, mystery and action that asks the question, how do you serve justice to those above the law?



  • The Real Question Is...

    By E'sinea
    What happened to Jerry the Vampire Mouse? Did Mickey, Minnie, and Mighty actually die from a failed batch of bat-serum or did Jerry do them in? And if Jerry is as strong as Batman then surely he must have escaped from his wheeled inprisonment. But to where? THIS is the real question that needs to be resolved in the sequel.
  • A good twist

    By USNavy0701
    This movie was a fun and more grown up version of the Justice league that i think was done very well. A especially liked how they changed the characters and the way they act. I would recommend this to anyone who is looking into the dc universe.
  • R

    By Debbie/MadeFromPinterest
    I have dcyobyvfv. R D gtvy 🦁🦁v r be rtvcrnyrvrv .. Y. Gf u J
  • As Good as it Gets.

    By Liberal nonsense
    This was way, way better than expected. All the alternative heroes had compelling (arguably MORE compelling) back stories, and the plot was not predictable--at least not to me. If you like D.C. at all, do not miss this one. My favorite D.C. movie besides Dark Knight Returns. Would like to se more of these characters. Super man is much more interesting in this universe, in my opinion. I just wonder what Bruce Wayne is up to!
  • Awesome

    By Robinandre12
    This is the best justice league video yet
  • I tried.

    By Logan Harris
    Didn't really like the idea of Kirk Langstrom being Batman, or Zod being Superman or Big Barda being Wonder Woman.
  • Perfection!

    By I'm a cold dude
    If you want something unique that goes beyond your average Batman and Superman story, this is the film to watch
  • This film just doesn’t fit..

    By Robnorcal49bay
    Right now I feel like they wasted resources and went off track instead of continuing on with the current storyline with the N52 vibe. I mean I PERSONALLY found this very hard to watch but as a story on its own I guess its not horrible but its just ok, at best.
  • Great movie - not for kids

    By Tiamat
    Set in an alternate reality, this is not the JLA you're used to. This JLA is violent, bloodthirsty, and personifies might makes right. They're not necessarily evil, just more anti-hero than your typical JLA outing. Think more along the lines of Punisher or Red Hood - if you're bad, you're dead. This outing from Bruce Timm (great to have him back at the helm, by the way), raises several ethical and philosophical questions once you move past the animation, which is quite good. What determines your life philosophy and moral code - nature or nurture? Does absolute power corrupt absolutely? Can you really escape the sins of your past, or will they always catch up to you? I dropped one star for the animation. I was expecting animation at the level of Flashpoint Paradox or JL: War. Instead it's more similar to the JL Unlimited TV series. Voice acting is very good and as I said earlier, the plot is truly what sets this movie apart from most other DC animated movies out there.

    I put 5 stars because of good action, fantasy, music and sketches!!!!
