Teen Titans: The Judas Contract

Teen Titans: The Judas Contract

By Sam Liu

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2017-01-01
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 24min
  • Director: Sam Liu
  • Production Company: DC Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 705 Ratings


The Titans are on the hunt for the villainous Brother Blood, not realizing that they might have a traitor among them.



  • Review

    By kepskdkfkemslw
    This movie is amazing.
  • Bland...

    By ipadfilmz
    Rented this being a fan of the original story, found it to be dull. Very, very dull. The animation has a cheap saturday morning cartoon feel (don't let the graphics on the iTunes page for this movie fool you), and falls very flat in the era of CGI. But the real problem is the characters, especially the female characters, which come across as watered-down versions of the originals that were so masterfull crafted by Wolfman & Perez. The voice acting all around lacks any personality - every line is delivered with minimal expression... it almost feels that each voice actor recorded their part without the other character vocallists present. Cramming numerous NTT elements that played out over 2-3 years in the original run into one 1.5 hour movie didn't help the coherence either. No one expects The Incredibles or Infinity War here, but this could be better with a little effort.
  • This is exciting!

    By Juliofrank83
    Here's a brand-new perspective one some charactes I mostly know from a cartoon on Cartoon Network. I like how Terra is finally brought into the films. I usually see her in "Teen Titans Go." Deathstroke can be manipulative: Brainwashing Tara, the doubel agent, into thinking that she'll have her prize after she does her job.
  • Awesome

    By Misakiayuzawa15
    I like the move
  • Awesome sequel!

    By Dragonboy44
    This is one of the best DC comics animated movies ever! I would like it if they could circle on Damian and Raven's relationship more.
  • Amazing movie

    By Bruinsnhl#1
    Perfect sequel to justice league vs teen titans
  • Thumbs up!

    By joshuway1956
    One of the better DC animated movies that I have seen in a while. Recently the movies have been hit or miss but this one has my vote.
  • Wow!

    By chema987
    Really good ! Enjoyed it very much . Action packed
  • An overly sexualized misfire

    By Cristian R
    I'm not sure how the did it, given the rich creative and original content in the comics, but DC Animation has completely missed the mark on good story telling by trying way too hard to incorporate a tsunami of sexual innuendos and cheap punchlines in The Judas Contract. It's actually quite distracting. The relationships they build out seem so forced, that the voice acting fails to have any proper chemistry - in fact, one could say the dialogue is fairly robotic. This is the first time I've written a negative review for DC, after purchasing almost every animated film they've ever released.
  • Very Good!

    By Berkeley Rooster
    Nice story and animation.
