Devil's Knot

Devil's Knot

By Atom Egoyan

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2014-05-09
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 54min
  • Director: Atom Egoyan
  • Production Company: Worldview Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 663 Ratings


Three young boys playing in the nearby woods never come home for dinner. In the rush to find and convict the killers, police focus on a trio of teenagers suspected of devil worship. Starring Reese Witherspoon and Colin Firth, Devil’s Knot is based on the true story of the West Memphis 3.



  • Omg Devils Knot

    By Super addicting and fun !😜
    Ok so it wasn't a terrible movie, it's just how it ended. I mean this movie is based on true events and this event is sad and messed up. It leaves u hanging and it makes u question a lot. So it's an ok but sad and suspenseful movie.
  • 😴😴😴

    By Head Maroon
    For the most part this film is a snoozer moving at a snail's pace in several places. Colin Firth's talents are wasted, Reese Witherspoon seems to be sleepwalking throughout the movie. This film could have been so much better.
  • Pretty good

    By T-Rock79
    I usually don't write reviews but, I thought it was worth it. A few parts in this movie makes you wanna go hold your kids but the only part I didn't like was the ending. I thought it could've been done a little better to show exactly what happened to the people. I had to google the story at the end of the movie to truly understand what happened. Overall I thought it was worth the rent.
  • Should have trusted Rotten Tomatoes.

    By amarioh
    Definitely disappointing. The filmmakers desperately need some storytelling classes.
  • Please pass the smelling salts

    By Preacher25
    What a snoozer
  • Really Enjoyed the Movie

    By Belindag1023
    Realistic acting, suspenseful story. Really enjoyed this movie.
  • iTunes Can't Pick Them Anymore

    By sniffelz
    I have been disappointed by most of the iTunes pre-order promos and picks. Devils knot was, by any measure a loser. I rarely agree with the Tomatometer, but this time, "Rotten" really sums this stinker up. It's not worth the watch rented or bought. Don't say I didn't warn you. And iTunes, never again do I bother with your poor performance either.
  • Paradise Lost it isn't.

    By Leebs906
    Watch the documentary Paradise Lost. This movie is a poor representation of facts.
  • It's okay

    By Bozzco225
    The movie was not to bad I guess. It was a little long at points.
