

By Atom Egoyan

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2010-03-26
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: Atom Egoyan
  • Production Company: Outpost Studios
  • Production Country: Canada, United States of America, France
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,730 Ratings


A successful doctor who suspects her husband of cheating tests his fidelity by hiring an escort to seduce him. The move creates complications that put her family in danger.



  • Amanda Seyfried Is A Good Reason

    By Semnick01
    Seeing Amanda Seyfried naked and having a hot steamy sex with Julianne Moore, with Liam Neeson looking like a cukold, is a very good reason to watch this movie! ;-P
  • Enjoyable.

    By Hesprus.
    Normally I can't stand this kind of movie, I only watched it because I had a little too much time on my hands one day, but I am glad I did. Amanda Seyfried is one heck of an actress, when she gets the look of unadulterated insanity on her eyes, well, I have never seen anyone do it better and I have had to deal with many psychopaths in my life. The pacing is pretty good and the cinematography is rather creative.
  • Loved It

    By rarubenstein
    I absolutely adore this movie; the dialogue and acting isn't lackluster and will keep you involved. However, if you are looking for a steamy, romantic, or lesbian-love-story type movie, keep looking (and try Loving Annabelle or Elena Undone). I was going into this movie thinking it would be a combination of those 3 things, and while I didn't get what I was originally looking for, I was pleasantly surprised. The ending is unexpected and leaves you wondering what would've happened. Definitely worth watching.
  • A

    By Floresitađź’€rockera
    Esta con madre muy buena
  • it was

    By killer666joe
    much better than it looks
  • Tame

    By Soojaganoo
    All the people who claim this as EROTIC or Full of Nudity clearly are Nuns. God forbid you see a boob for a few seconds. Relax. This is nothing. The story was a bit boring and incredibly predictable. Nothing special, but OK to pass the time. A bit pretentious and full of rich people problems. If your cruising for sexy, keep going. Try the internet.
  • Awesome

    By swathammer265
    Amanda Seyfreid is absolutely unbelievable! Her dialogue alone will keep you interested in the movie.
  • hey

    By kittykins20
    hey itunes, you realize that you cant see any of the writing on th is page because the screen is WHITE and the writing is WHITE!
  • RENT

    By brendanwntr5@
    I want 2 see it, so can u let us rent it pls?
  • Seriously? Didn't even feel like a real movie

    By ~J-CuB~
    To be honest I felt like this was not a real movie. The story line was obvious and can be easily foreshadowed if you pay attention. Which kind of defeats the whole purpose of the story. And my opinion the guy who made this movie had the hots for these two actresses and made a cheap story to see them get it on. I'm a guy and I wasn't even entertained and don't plan on seeing it again anytime soon. And I can't stand the actress for Chloe. In every movie she's the hot tomalley who every guy wants! I'm a typical guy I like blonds and to me shes not that hot and she gets so annoying for that reason! Don't watch this movie.
