Labor Day

Labor Day

By Jason Reitman

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2013-12-25
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 51min
  • Director: Jason Reitman
  • Production Company: Mr. Mudd
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,190 Ratings


Labor Day centers on 13-year-old Henry Wheeler, who struggles to be the man of his house and care for his reclusive mother Adele while confronting all the pangs of adolescence. On a back-to-school shopping trip, Henry and his mother encounter Frank Chambers, a man both intimidating and clearly in need of help, who convinces them to take him into their home and later is revealed to be an escaped convict. The events of this long Labor Day weekend will shape them for the rest of their lives.



  • Amazing movie

    By Alanood24
    I don’t expect this movie to be a romantic movie, but I like it too much.
  • Second chance at love

    By BamaKathy
    This is one of those movies you watch and then think about for years afterward. Two people who have been mistreated by life, who have powerful limitations, save each other.
  • It's a wonderful movie

    By female69
    Very enjoyable. Sweet and charming.
  • Not very good

    By Mal1234077
    I apologize too all the people who liked this movie. These are just my opinions on it.. I think it was poorly written. The man who escaped prison ( frank ) first pretty much threatens the woman to give him a ride and let him stay at her house! And then when they get back to her house she starts making him coffee when she could have called the cops or done something! I mean she didn't know that man she was putting herself in danger and her son. And frank spend what a whole five days with them and she starts to fall in love with him that happened way too fast. And then finally when I start to semi- enjoy the movie the cops show up and arrest frank like seriously! And so then frank and the woman have to wait like 30 years to see each other.. And the son who enjoyed living with his mom had to go live with his dad because she gave him up... Whole movie was just sad and depressing.
  • Heartbreakingly beautiful

    By Kimberm
    Told from an unexpected narrator, the son, in a very simple and beautiful way. The story wasn't cluttered with useless drama or too much backstory to take away from the love of the two main characters. The pace of the film was perfect... It didn't draw out or move too slow and I was satisfied with the ending and didn't long for anything more.
  • Great Movie

    By EttaTron
    The previews for film don't do it justice and neither do the critic reviews. I thought this would be another cheesy romantic flick and was pleasantly surprised. It has a good storyline, nice pacing, and great acting- I was pleasantly into the movie from start to finish. I like imperfect love stories that involve imperfect lives because that's closer to reality than any Nicholas Sparks melodrama.
  • Thanks I-tunes

    By 87poohfan
    This was offered as a 99 cents rental, and even at that I was a bit hesitant. When I finally did sit down to watch it, I was surprised. Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin gave excellent performances in what seems like a simple yet multi-layered tale. When the movie ended, I found myself saying aloud "That was a really good movie." I would definitely watch it again.
  • Sad for people who enjoyed this

    By nanofan19
    I am sorry for people who could find romance in this story. This movie evokes many deep emotions, it's true. Some of them are best described as revulsion, nausea, anxiety and pity. This anti-feministic tale of a woman who has given up all hope of a normal life with her son due to her mental illness and lack of self-esteem leaves me with sweaty palms and a fear of what women out there think they deserve. It doesn't matter how handsome a man is, if he threatens you and your child, it should make your vagina recoil.
  • Did not fully download

    By Viv.bir
    The rented video did not fully download, even after a number of days, so I did not watch it to the end
  • watched it twice!

    By BMann44
    I don't think i have ever done this but I just rewatched the whole movie (Bless you Itunes for $1/24 hr rentals!). Mainly I wanted to catch things I didn't fully follow the first time through, but it maintained its emotional intensity. This is one of those movies that had i paid $12 to see it in a cinema, I probably would have been slightly disappointed as it is a bit slow moving, but for a buck, I'll take it.
