Jeff, Who Lives At Home

Jeff, Who Lives At Home

By Jay Duplass & Mark Duplass

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2012-03-16
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 23min
  • Director: Jay Duplass & Mark Duplass
  • Production Company: Indian Paintbrush
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 637 Ratings


Starring Jason Segel (Forgetting Sarah Marshall, TV's How I Met Your Mother), Ed Helms (Hangover I & II) and Academy Award®-winner* Susan Sarandon, Jeff, Who Lives at Home is the story of one man's hilarious search for the meaning of life. As slacker Jeff stumbles towards enlightenment, he uncovers answers to his nagging family's problems. Jeff has no idea where he’s going but when he finally gets there, he might just find out what it’s all about in this “gem of a movie that is funny, tender and ultimately moving.” Mark Adams, SCREENDAILY.COM



  • A Beautiful and touching film

    By Chizuk
    This movie is beautiful. The portrayals of the characters hit home and are very identifiable in today’s society. The story is optimistic and uplifting, wending its way to a surprising conclusion that affirms the power of belief and tells us that it’s alright to follow our dreams, no matter how strange others may consider them. In stark contrast to the current fad in Hollywood of “realistic” life, devoid of meaning, chaos driven, where things rarely turn out as you wish them to; this movie gives hope and the sense that life has more to offer, if only we step outside of our “basements”, our “porsches”, and ourselves. And that at the end of the journey, we can all look back and see the beautiful canvas of roads and paths that have brought us to this day. Strong Recommend. if you want a feel good movie, with lovable actors and characters, gorgeous directing, a tearjerking journey and a true message, check this out. It’s bound to put a smile on your face.
  • awesome

    By workharder
    a fantastic surprise. film making at it's finest.
  • Disappointing

    By GBanton
    Likely the biggest disappointment of a movie in the past couple years. I will never get the time back from watching and I'm working like hell to get back the brain cells. I love mindless fun comedy... This was no comedy and there was nothing funny about it.
  • beatific

    By mbutryn
    Pleasant and warming film. Beautifully done.
  • Jeff, Who lives at home

    By Jaegernation
    This is the one of the worst movies made...I saw this and with the 2 guys from he office I would of thought it would of been hilarious! It was anything but hilarious! It was stupid and I have seen this before when comedians get to pinnacles of their careers they think they can make these kind of movies and people will keep watching...only if your an idiot!
  • Perfectly simple

    By lit lover
    It's easy to watch this movie and overlook the complexities and beauty and only see a movie about a single day. This film is so much more than that. It explores the longings and regrets every person, though manifested differently. It is an ode to the human condition mixed with laughs along the way. Do not miss this film. Idiots need not apply.
  • Bad, didn't even finish it

    By FunkMonkeyJ
    I watched about three quarters of this movie and had to cut my losses. It was not good in any way. Don't waste your money. It's not even worth a $1 rental at Redbox.
  • no rent?

    By blahboohblah
    You just lost my 5 bucks. What kind of fool is running iTunes anyway?
  • A DOWNER DRAMA with a feel-good message

    By justAgirlReader
    Okay. If you like your drama-feel-good-movie salad tossed with very depressing tidbits of the worst moments of a person's life, this is a movie for you. At the end of the movie, I didn't know whether to feel totally depressed or inspired. Maybe it's just me, but I don't like mixing too much depressing reality with my inspirational or poignant movies. If you like to escape from reality with a good movie, DO NOT watch this one! And for all that's holy, DO NOT watch it when it's raining outside and/or you're feeling down. The "comedy" categorization on this is SO VERY wrong!
  • Indie Feel Good

    By nameofagirl
    Great movie, feel good with a reality check.
