The Great Beauty

The Great Beauty

By Paolo Sorrentino

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2013-11-15
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 2h 21min
  • Director: Paolo Sorrentino
  • Production Company: France 2 Cinéma
  • Production Country: France, Italy
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3,130 Ratings


In this breathtaking, Oscar-winning journey to Rome, a reporter begins to take stock of his life on his sixty-fifth birthday, looking past the lavish nightclubs, parties, and cafés to find the city itself, in all its monumental glory. This transporting experience, created by the brilliant Italian director Paolo Sorrentino, is a breathtaking Felliniesque tale of decadence and lost love.



  • Worse than awful

    By mha43221
    Don’t waste your money and time.
  • You either love it or hate it

    By M.H.B.1
    Obviously this movie isnt for everyone, and even those who love it may take time to warm up to the intricacies of Mr. Sorrentino's work, but overall The Great Beauty is a gorgeous work. Weaving between a burried plot and directorial tropes, this movie is a deep and wonderful exploration of life, worth, regret, and the human condition. That said, for those who are not willing to sit through the slow sections of an lengthy foreign film (no judgement whatsoever!), you will probably not enjoy this movie.
  • Great for smart people

    By ChrisHarges
    Looking for an action movie or romcom with the consistency, taste and depth of an Easter Peep? Move along. The Great Beauty is a well paced, beautiful movie about facing the demons of middle age. And—big “and” here—it’s set in Rome and populated by Romans. Some of the most gorgeous city cinematography ever. Music is perfect. Characters are flawed and compelling. If you love Rome, you will love this movie. If you don’t love Rome, please make a reservation at The Cheesecake Factory, cue up the latest issue of The Bachelor and go about your business.
  • Has Balls

    By Frosty Matt
    I'll keep it simple. It's Felliniesque. It uses the camera like a tool rather than a recording box. It is filled with lines as refined as this gem: "I’ll drink a lot, but not enough to get unruly. And when you are waking up, I’ll be climbing into bed.” and "The trains at our parties are the best in Rome. They're the best cause they go nowhere." Only those who understand the highest level will get this film.
  • Beautiful Movie to Savor and Appreciate On Many Levels

    By NorthernHarrier
    This is simply a very beautiful movie that is anything but simple. On the surface the scenes of Rome and the party extravaganzas are mesmerizing and fun to watch, but also the dialog and narrated thoughts of the aging journalist at the heart of the drama, and the people that fill his days and nights, are interesting and often moving. Seldom in a movie are visual and verbal elements combined this effectively and poignantly. You'll be appreciating and thinking about this movie long after the credits roll. Bravo!
  • Arthouse at its finest

    By haterswillh8
    If you're looking for a regular film, this one's not for you. But if you're into arthouse/foreign films, "La Grande Bellezza" is just stunning. The first 10 minutes are enthralling and beautifully shot, and the rest of the movie continues in that vein, with jabs at the entire Roman upper class, Pope Benedict, celebrities and even Mother Teresa.
  • Masterpiece

    By Ol’ Jack Burton
    This is a perfect film. The music,casting,acting, and obviously the directing. Captures the essence of life and what we think is important versus what's truly important. And how it all gets lost along the way.
  • Go Play on the Freeway....

    By ThePolarBeast
    Your time will be better used than watching this movie that rivals a documentary about how paint dries. Slow. Pointless. Plotless. How does stuff like this get funded??
  • I stopped in the middle

    By jarlbertil
    I could not understand anything. What a crazy movie. The only good parts are a few scenes in Rome
  • The Great Beauty

    By Kwikkeys
    This is the same director that directed "Youth" which is also an exceptionally beautiful film. The only issue I have with this film is that the exquisitely stunning cinematography can sometimes be difficult to take in while struggling to read the subtitles. The small white font ocasionally blends into the lighter background. When the characters are passioante and speaking quickly, I sometimes had to pause the film to catch up with what was being said. This is a minor nuisance as this is a film I will watch many times for it's artistry. The images/impressions will serve as food for the soul for anyone that can appreciate its beauty.
