

By Paolo Sorrentino

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2015-12-04
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 3min
  • Director: Paolo Sorrentino
  • Production Company: Indigo Film
  • Production Country: Italy, France, United Kingdom, Switzerland
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,068 Ratings


OSCAR® Winner Michael Caine and OSCAR® Nominee Harvey Keitel lead an all-star cast, including Rachel Weisz, Paul Dano, and Jane Fonda in this beautiful, engaging film set in the scenic Swiss Alps. When two old friends – an acclaimed composer (Caine) and a renowned filmmaker (Keitel) – meet on vacation, they reflect on the past, and learn that some of life’s most important experiences come later!



  • The worst movie ever

    By W_S_B
    The worst movie ever
  • Michael Caine and a long slow film

    By BSerracin
    The subject of aging, fatherhood, creativity and memory are made into sausage and cooked over a low flame. This is a fail. Talented cast can't save it. I always watch anything Michael Caine does. He couldn't save this thing. A director staged it well, designed it beautifully, but lost the drama and there was no comedy worth trying to remember. Even some nude characters couldn't help this. Maybe it should have been written and produced by young filmmakers. I got the feeling the writer group from the story wrote this production. It never had a chance with a story and script so flawed.
  • Beautiful Experience With Many Layers of Meaning and Enjoyment

    By NorthernHarrier
    This is a beautiful movie experience that can be enjoyed in many ways. The cinematography, the layering of the various stories and themes in an interesting way, the dialog, the relationships between the characters (both major and minor), the pathos and humor, and the music choices make this movie a unique and moving experience. Have some patience - this movie doesn't move at the tightly-edited pace of the typical Hollywood blockbuster, and the brief fantasy sequences will baffle viewers that are used to mundane reality shown in a linear fashion on screen. However, staying with this movie will be rewarded with a powerful emotional payoff at the end that is bittersweet and profound, and ties everything together. Not to be missed.
  • Absolutely BRILLIANT!

    By Kwikkeys
    Everything about this movie is magnificent: direction, cinematography, acting, music. This is a movie I treasure in my library and have watched more than several times. Each time, I experience the same joy as the first time. THAT is the mark of a classic in my mind. Another movie--foreign, but by the same director, that is also stellar: The Great Beauty. Both are worth owning and viewing multiple times in my opinion.
  • I want to watch it but...

    By filmfan4ever
    it looks depressing. I’m sure its amazing though.
  • Visually beautiful and completely empty

    By GMS10000
    I love the actors in this film. I also love other films by this director. Unfortunately I didn't love any of them in the roles that were forced upon them, or the messages that were attempting to be conveyed. This film "study" is pedantic, pretentious, and hollow.
  • Beautifully Interesting

    By ScFo56
    Michael Caine and Paul Dano are superb together in this lush existential comedy/drama about life. Harvey Keitel is also wonderful as Mr. Caine's lifelong friend, supporter and competitor. The movie was 2 hours of escape at a gorgeous retreat in the Swiss Alps. A place of solitude, leisure, luxury--where the whole point is just "to be." While the movie dealt with the topic of youth, it was about much more than that. I will probably purchase the Blu-ray disc.
  • Fake

    By dbnliuf
    think 4 sophomores in the cafeteria discussing there first comp lit course
  • A staggering piece of art.

    By Frenchy in LA
    Director Paolo Sorrentino( whose previous movie the Great Beauty won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film) dares to conjure Fellini's spirit in a time which has all but forgotten him. Extraordinary piece of art. To the dimwits who gave it one star and called this “euro trash”, is it that incomprehensible to you that there are other sensibilities in this world than what the American Box Office dictates? There is no saving you from your narrow minded view.
  • superb

    By gortmull
    A truly extraordinary piece of film making! Filled with nuance, I enjoyably watched it twice to make sure I didn’t miss anything. The best cinematography I have seen in years if not decades. Michael Caine and Harvey Keitel possibly at their career bests. Emotionally meaningful for those who appreciate high quality film. Worth far more than the rental price.
