Captain Phillips

Captain Phillips

By Paul Greengrass

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2013-10-11
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 14min
  • Director: Paul Greengrass
  • Production Company: Columbia Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 7,020 Ratings


Captain Phillips is a multi-layered examination of the 2009 hijacking of the U.S. container ship Maersk Alabama by a crew of Somali pirates. Based on a true story, the film focuses on the Alabama’s commanding officer, Captain Richard Phillips (two-time Academy Award®-winner Tom Hanks, Best Actor, 1993, Philadelphia; Best Actor, 1994, Forrest Gump), and the Somali pirate captain, Muse (Barkhad Abdi), who takes him hostage. The two men are set on an unstoppable collision course when Muse and his crew target Phillips’ unarmed ship; in the ensuing standoff, both men will find themselves at the mercy of forces beyond their control.



  • Review and see it

    By zader555
    Awesome movie about Somali pirates highly recommended made me wanna sell all my belongings and move to Somalia to become a pirate..::: The way the pirate says “ Am the captin now “
  • Ordinary people can put on extraordinary acts!!

    By Jack j p
    Fun fact: the actors playing the pirates were actually from Somalia, chosen regardless of acting experience. I think this proves that it does not take some amazing actor decades to put on an awesome performance.
  • I love this movie!

    By Matt __W
    Watched it 3 times in a week, great movie
  • A great movie

    By marshmollow
    It’s sad, entertaining, and happy, it’s a sad movie but very good
  • Tom Hanks

    By Stareric430
    One of my favorite movies.
  • Personwholovestbismovie

    By The Awsome dood
    This is such a good movie the way they film it u feel like ur there the acting is incredible I was hooked from beginning to end I love this movie soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomuch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!u ligit have to watch this movie
  • WOW

    By i_capelthwaite
    Really well done movie, I was just on the edge of my seat the entire time -- literally right up until the last minute. That said, I can't imagine how Captain Phillips IRL could have gone through that ordeal then basically gone right back to work! That's crazy, plus I agree with one of the other reviewers that it's complete BS that a crew that travels dangerous water can't even arm themselves -- that's wrong. If those men had a few rifles none of those pirates would have ever gotten on the ship to start with!!
  • Amazing

    By Eddie schilling
    Everything about this movie is amazing!
  • Amazing

    By Ganglou
    No way else to put it
  • Tense exhilarating movemaking

    By booboostrips
    The cinematic angles, the edits, the long shots , the quality of writing, the spot on acting, and the superb direction all add up to a spell binding thriller . Along with being true, it was cast marvelously, the scene on the beach of the somalis catches with brutal sharpness the hellish circumstances these people live in and gives not a sympathetic view but one that certainly shows how on the edge of survival is this band of robbers. Overall a movie high in production value that places a premium on presenting the story without overdone or overromanced anything. It would be easy to inflate anyones contribution but one is left feeling just the right amount of empathy for all, and a feeling that the seals REALLY know how to handle things when things go south. Fabulous moviemaking, thanks Greengrass you really know how to make em
