United 93

United 93

By Paul Greengrass

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2006-04-28
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 50min
  • Director: Paul Greengrass
  • Production Company: Sidney Kimmel Entertainment
  • Production Country: France, United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,503 Ratings


A defining day in our history. It's an event that shook the world. Honest, unflinching and profoundly moving, United 93 tells the unforgettable story of the heroic passengers and crew members who prevented the terrorists from carrying out their plans for the fourth hijacked plane on September 11, 2001. As on-ground military and civilian teams scrambled to make sense of the unfolding events, forty people sat down as strangers found the courage to stand up as one.



  • A movie that will be described as America's tradgey

    By Nicholas becerra
    On September 11, 2001 tradgey struck when four planes got hijacked and crashed at the world trade center in New York City. 2,996 people have died in this tragic event but even aftet the deadly terroist attack, Paul Greengrass the director of (The Bourne Troilgy, Captain Phillips, The Green Zone and Bloody Sunday) United 93 is more of a documentary than just being a sluite to our heroes of this histrioc tradgey rathet than just have talented actors behind it and giving exposition to the audience about the tradgey we get real life people playing very serious minor roles and there not just there to act they are here to tell the story by persective and visuals. Now i understand that this movie has the best scores and human emotions towards real-life people and it was impressve to see these kinds of people paying homange to the greatest tradgies of american history. I wasn't there when 9/11 struck the world trade center and all i know for certian that this event won't happen again because terroist attacks are more common now and then but that's not our flaut. Either of these characters don't have any motive like i said United 93 is shot like a documentary/movie and nethier the director is filming but i don't understand how he filmed everything to the world trade center and the pennsylvania crash land upon United 93. What i saw out of United 93 was brilliant exposition from our minor characters and Paul Greengrass knows how to make action scenes really intense and real, He dosen't stand there shaking the camera only when someone is doing an action scene that is a fact and this movie feels real and super intense that's the sting when you know that the invitiable happens when the first plane hits the World Trade Center you know what happend and they don't just show the world trade center gasing up in flames, they show it from the peserctive of the news (thanks CNN) and it has moroal to the plot and the story. I highly recommend United 93 it's source material gives the movie a big impact on the event and tells the story through visuals and characters that don't have character at all and they just don't recite lines there playing normal people and that's fine but when your telling the tragic event without any intense reality feel to it the movie falls apart and dosen't work out. Thanks to all heroes and tribute to all the vitcims that died at the world trade center and United 93.
  • Heartbreaking but amazing

    By ilistentomusic(obviously)
    Wow. Such a dark day. And such a fine movie depicting great heroes. And for those one-star reviews, it’s clear you guys are conspiracy theorists or somehow don’t believe 9/11 even happened. And let me say... how dare you? How dare you disrespect all those lives lost by bringing boneheaded and illogical “conspiracies” into this disaster just because you want attention or hate America? This wasn’t just America. This affected the entire world. Such a shame that some people try to bring “the truth” into this. It’s so sad how these fallen people are disrespected.
  • Can’t make this stuff up

    By Dancingnancy84
    Oh, wait, you apparently can.
  • Sad but amazing movie

    By Lazertazer718
    Super sad film but in a sense very informative and really puts you in the shoes of those on that plane. Great depiction of what the flight must of been like. 5stars! 9/11 Never Forget UNITED WE STAND
  • WOW!!!!

    By Chuck812
  • You Will Honor the Dead By Viewing This Film

    By Studly Field Mouse
    A movie crafted with honor to those who lost their lives that day. No famous actors used, so the actors will be as unfamiliar those who really died. From the start of the movie, my angst just kept growing, as I realized how many seemingly little actions would be the last ever for these people: the last sip from a drinking fountain, last trip to the restroom, last cup of Starbucks, last phone call to a loved one, etc. See it.
  • Remember 9/11

    By Semnick01
    A honest tribute for those who lost theirs lives in 9/11.
  • hard to watch.

    By johnny21332
    Greengrass's ability to capture the human reality of violent confrontations in an unapologetic narrative makes for a rare and excruciating experience.
  • Bad rating

    By Tmkidd
    This "Craig Hills" that gave it a bad rating obviously has no respect for historic and fateful days in America. Get a life
  • Breathtaking.

    By ConorEvan.
    It is heartbreaking, mind-blowing, frustrating, and so hard to watch but it's a fantastic well acted movie. Everyone should watch this, even though it one of the hardest pills go swallow.
