Closed Circuit

Closed Circuit

By John Crowley

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2014-05-16
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 35min
  • Director: John Crowley
  • Production Company: Focus Features
  • Production Country: United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 459 Ratings


From the producers of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy comes a riveting and suspenseful mystery starring Eric Bana and Rebecca Hall. A high-profile terrorism case unexpectedly brings two exceptional lawyers (Bana and Hall) with a romantic past together on the defense team. They soon realize they’ve stepped into a dangerous web of cover-ups and lies, and their knowledge of the government’s top-secret classified evidence has put their reputations and lives at stake. Co-starring Ciarán Hinds, Julia Stiles and Jim Broadbent, it’s a non-stop, heart-racing guessing game that critics call “an entertaining conspiracy thriller.” (Jocelyn Noveck, Associated Press)



  • A very satisfying, smart story

    By JimVinNYC
    The taut, clever story had some wonderful twists and surprises. I think the critics really missed the boat on this one - I found it a thoroughly engaging and satisfying movie.
  • Intelligent films still exist!

    By lu new york
    This movie is in the best tradition of of The Client or The pelican Brief and it’s got decent enough plot and dialogue but not as dense and boring as Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Good courtroom drama + cat and mouse government cover up. Both Rebecca Hall and Eric Bana are really good.
  • Above The Law

    By The Real Thelonious Mac
    So many of our “security” agencies consider themselves to be above the law now. This film is another reminder of how easily we can slide down the slope of tyranny, all the while feeling safe in our beds. Granting our governments more and more power, only weakens us as a society, and especially as individuals.
  • Should have been a short circuit

    By Fuji Tree
    Towards the end of the movie there's a scene of one of the characters taking their rowing boat out of the river. Sitting on the riverbank are a group of ducks. The ducks probably weren't paid for it, but their performance was the only one that made any sense. Halfway through the movie there's a line spoken, and this is pretty much a quote, "…in that event we shall be forced to accept things which are unacceptable, and I will not accept that." I should have stopped watching at that point, but if I had, I would have missed the ducks. fjm
  • Rodrigo

    By Yet10
    Below the expectation
  • Disappointing...

    By Drew I
    Unfortunately, even really good actors can't save a poor screen play…it was a good plot. but poorly executed and many, many "coincidences"…really, we should expect more…back to the drawing board.
  • Thought-provoking, tense

    By 7437-lock
    This had me on the edge of my seat, even while the people onscreen seemed to be doing nothing more than rearranging a book or two or walking down the street. Dramatic irony played out to full effect, fine acting: highly recommended.
  • really good

    By clw987
    This was a really good movie. Rebecca Hall is such a good actress.
  • It was ok

    By cadr7
    It was entertaining but not riveting not suspenseful and didn't connect with any of the characters
  • EH

    By Bnukem
    Not what I expected and in a bad way.
