Before Midnight

Before Midnight

By Richard Linklater

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2013-05-24
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 48min
  • Director: Richard Linklater
  • Production Company: Castle Rock Entertainment
  • Production Country: Greece, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,451 Ratings


Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy) first met in their twenties in Before Sunrise; reunited in their thirties in Before Sunset; and, now, in director Richard Linklater's amazing Before Midnight, they face the past, present and future; family, romance, and love. Now married and in Greece, the couple looks for a night of passion, but instead their idyllic night turns into a test of their relationship, and a discussion of what their future holds for them.



  • Boring

    By tropicaldew
    In the first hour my husband fell asleep and I got up and did the dishes. We then decided it was’t worth the time and energy to watch it and turned it off. In all fairness maybe the second half redeemed the movie, maybe.
  • Amazing reality

    By Canuckshark
    Every movie in this trilogy has been so authentic and real. I feel like I am fly in the wall listening to intelligent and funny conversation.
  • They should have stopped at the 2nd movie

    By EdOfTheMountain
    The 1st and 2nd movies were entertaining. This one was mind numbing. A good movie to watch while doing more interesting things on your smart phone.
  • Before Midnight

    By pennythoughts1984
    This is one of the most boring films I have ever watched. It's a long boring conversation between two cynical married people in their 40's. I'm shocked out of my mind to see that this has four stars and high rating on rotten tomatoes.
  • So bad

    By Wheil
    So boring. No plot. They just sit around and talk about their relationships. It's not even interesting.
  • Yada, yada, yada

    By BradPDX
    Two not-very-likable people talk (and talk and talk and talk) about how their lives don’t quite work. No story. No movement. No realizations. No changes. No reason to care. The end. I have no idea how this movie garnered so much praise. It’s all yada, yada, yada.
  • It's worst

    By Auxyeuxbleus
    I rented it for 99 cents. It did not look very promising but I figured that it would do for a 3 hour flight. Alas, how misstaken I was. Its absolutly un-watchable. I have seldom seen such complete lack of imagination - the conflicts are obvious but still not even remotely credible, the lines are like a dry cracker and even the actors seem to be suffering. I believe its the worst thing I have seen since Star Wars Episode 1. If Elaine could not handle the English patient - she would have commites suicide if she had to watch this movie.
  • Before Midnight

    By movieebuff
    Anyone giving this movie a terrible review and claiming that it drags or regretting renting a movie about two people arguing, clearly has never seen the first two movies. The whole point of these films is to show a true life romance and cut out all the bull. Before Midnight was a perfect finish to a trilogy that dared to think outside of the box. We met this couple as they met each other, and we have followed their story all the way to this point. If you're up for a realistic and dialogue based performance without the fancy tricks or magic fixes to problems, give it a go. If you haven't seen the first two films I doubt you'll feel the full effect of the film and recommend seeking them out. You'll know right away if this is for you.
  • Before Midnight

    By Wxyz12
    Neither my wife or I liked this movie. It was dull and boring.
  • As expected - they should have done only 2

    By people-watcher3
    Painful to watch this. Julie's character gets worse every time and the end is weak...
