Before Sunrise

Before Sunrise

By Richard Linklater

  • Genre: Romance
  • Release Date: 1995-01-27
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 40min
  • Director: Richard Linklater
  • Production Company: Castle Rock Entertainment
  • Production Country: Austria, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 4,235 Ratings


Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy star as two young people who meet--and whose lives are forever changed--on a train from Budapest to Paris. They may have only one night, but when soul mates find each other, anything can happen Before Sunrise.



  • Start of the best trilogy ever

    By fulltilted
    My favorite movie ever made and still rings true now. Timeless and beautiful. Amazingly this is based on a true story of of the director.
  • Overrated

    By Can't find a non-taken nickname
    It was ok. I knew what the film would be going in — just two people talking — which is fine with me, so I wasn't disappointed. It could have been better though. It didn't impress me like all the people who gave the film 5 stars. I found Ethan Hawke's characer to be somewhat evasive and superficial. It did start to feel at some point like the viewer was a third wheel on a date. The characters were much more invested in the relationship than I was.
  • I love these movies

    By jroman1090
    I don't want to say too much, but know this movie is great. This is one of those movies that will put you in a better mood by the time it is over. This movie is from the 90's but will still resonate with young people.
  • Reality TV Pro

    By AcuteWatcher
    This boring movie shows professional actors portraying real life people in a semi-diem timeframe within mediocre European settings. In addition, this film lacks all elements of storytelling. Therefore, it never possesses the mysteries of a dream, which is the pure essence of cinema.
  • Amazing!!!

    By A review with a view
    Its the simplicity of seeing two destined peoples chance encounter blossom into an unforgettable day in each of their lives. The ending is bittersweet, but lovely and real.
  • I Want a Love Like That

    By Chelsey05
    One of the greatest love stories of all time. It is interesting how an entire movie centered around just two individuals can be so entertaining and invoke so much emotion. The movie ends leaving you wanting more and longing for the kind of love like that of Jesse and Celine's.
  • Huge disappointment

    By Tammy Jane
    I rented this movie due to all the positive reviews and truly couldn't wait for it to end. The entire movie is about a young couple who met on a train and decide to spend a day together in Venice. What follows is lots and lots of conversations between the two actors. It just didn't hold my interest.
  • Your Mileage Will Definitely Vary

    By dougom
    This is pretty simple: If you like dialogue-heavy, improv-feeling films that use very little filmmaker artifice, then you might like this one. "My Dinner with Andre", "Waiting for Godot", "The Zoo Story", something of that nature. But if you don't, ah, then! Look: I don't need explosions, car chases, or gun battles every 10 minutes. One of my favorite movies of all time is "Local Hero", which is almost the antithesis of that kind of thing. But I do like *something* to happen in a film and, quite frankly, *nothing* happens here. Now, your New York or other big city film critic would say that "two characters fall in love in a beautiful and naturalistic way", and that's true. By talking. On a train, while walking, while sitting . . . just talking. And that's the thing: If the dialog is sparkling--as it is in those three examples I put up top--or the acting is superb, or the cinematography is fascinating, then okay, give it a go. But *none* of that is the case here. None. Hawke is a stiff actor at the best of times, and here he is positively plank-like. Delpy is, I suppose, and acquired taste that I've never successfully acquired. And that's it. Just them. Talking. Using dialog that is, to be frank, pretty bland. Maybe that's your cup of tea; I don't know. Certainly the critics absolutely adored this film, as well as its two sequels, and I can't for the life of me think why that is so. Judge for yourself. But unless you love Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy, stilted dialog, and no action, I'd give it a miss. Sorry critics; you're just plain wrong.
  • Way over rated!

    By Whit
    For those trashing the plot summary, the summary is completely accurate. One hour and forty minutes of two people saying utterly uninteresting things to each other. Cliches within cliches within cliches. My wife who loves romance movies agrees, a waste of time and a few bucks.
  • Great Movie

    By Fauliam86
    I was glued to my seat from start to finish. A great movie about moments in life.
