White House Down

White House Down

By Roland Emmerich

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2013-06-28
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 11min
  • Director: Roland Emmerich
  • Production Company: Columbia Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 4,795 Ratings


Capitol Policeman John Cale (Channing Tatum) has just been denied his dream job with the Secret Service of protecting President James Sawyer (Jamie Foxx). Not wanting to let down his little girl with the news, he takes her on a tour of the White House, when the complex is overtaken by a heavily armed paramilitary group. Now, with the nation's government falling into chaos and time running out, it's up to Cale to save the president, his daughter, and the country.



  • Nothing Original

    By FlipTheBastard
    This film used every other hostage of the President cliche movie and tv show made. The tone of the film couldn’t decide if it wanted to be an action film or a comedy. I usually enjoy Roland Emmerichs movies, but this was hopeless. The actors were given garbage to work with, but made it tolerable. Olympus Has Fallen was a much better film with the same story. Watch Gerard Butler take the White House back instead
  • good action comedy

    By Thanksmbcone
    good action comedy BUT Maggie Gyllenhaal almost ruins it -she makes ever last word of a sentence looooong ....its weeeeird ....and annoooooying
  • Taken in the White House/ Rip off of Olympus Has Fallen

    By fenderstratADHD
    I’ve seen brief clips of this but haven’t actually watched the whole movie until today after I rented the dvd from the library. I’m a HUGE fan of the Secret Service and have seen almost every movie about the force (including Olympus Has Fallen which came out the same year as this and I think is way better) except this one. The plot is similar to the movie Taken with Liam Neeson in which a child of a federal officer (in this case a member of the U.S. Capitol police who attempts to enter the Secret Service to guard the president) is kidnapped and taken hostage by terrorists. There’s discussions of family issues, divorce, estranged relationships etc like in Taken (Liam Neeson who is a CIA agent lives in an apartment with other agents while his ex wife and daughter reside in a huge mansion belonging to the wife’s new husband who is apparently wealthy) which I don’t care for in these movies. Olympus Has Fallen is a way better movie with better action.
  • This was an expensive B movie for Hollywood

    By Pushba
    This movie is comical and can’t be taken remotely seriously. This movie is really more of a comedy because even the bad guys can’t be taken seriously.
  • Incredibly cheesy and striaght foward

    By Nicholas becerra
    White House Down is exaclty what you think it is because this film is ripping off Olympus has Fallen which also came out the same year as White House Down and this film is incredibly cheesy, led by a descent performence by Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx who did a good job as the president. Either way this film is not action-packed it's dumb, stupid and not to close to ripping off a film that came out the same year as this film.
  • Spanish please

    By 19Fantasma96
    Spanish please
  • Olympus has fallen

    By @mariaa_vigil
    Is one of my all time favorites. It’s a very thrilling movie and lots of action too.


    By 1138_prefixTHX
    I have seen probably thousands of movies in my pathetic film obsessed life...this ranks with Manos Hands of Fate and Plan 9 from Outer Space. White House Down is so aggressively bad it staggers the imagination. An Obama-esque action hero? Military Industrial Complex conspiring to usurp plans for "world peace?" This movie makes Olympus Has Fallen look like King Lear. You can find more competent filmaking in a peep booth. Skip this one or watch Olympus...or better yet avoid both and watch Harrison Ford in Air Force One if you need this type of itch scratched. In fact, go head butt a cactus and have a better time than WHD.
  • This movie was awesome

    By JoshTheAwesome101
    The type of action film you can watch multiple times and still have a good time watching. 9.5/10 A
