Independence Day: Resurgence

Independence Day: Resurgence

By Roland Emmerich

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2016-06-24
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 0min
  • Director: Roland Emmerich
  • Production Company: 20th Century Fox
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 6,105 Ratings


Twenty years after mysterious aliens nearly wiped out humankind, they’re back with a vengeance in the explosive sequel, Independence Day: Resurgence! Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth developed a vast defense program to protect the planet. But nothing could prepare us for the next invasion—and only the ingenuity of a few brave men and women can save our world from extinction!



  • So bad it’s good

    I watched this when it was on HBO I think. I had extremely low expectations. I actually couldn’t believe how bad it was. Then it was on again and I was bored so I didn’t turn the channel. I couldn’t stop watching it because the CGI and acting was so bad it was funny. This was the perfect example of a cash grab. They could’ve gotten away with it if it was called Independence Day.
  • Sequel

    By Musicitunes6
    This was the coolest sci fi sequel.
  • Wow...

    By ChrisChrisChrisChris!
    This is one of the stupidest and most irredeemable movies I have ever seen. The first ID was at least fun and had some sort of feel-good message. This was tripe. If you haven't seen it, don't bother. It's not worth the 4.99 pricetag. I feel like they should have paid me to watch it.
  • Fun Movie

    By Jim Lambert
    This movie was just plain fun! I really enjoyed it. Not the exact same tone but good plot and really nice callbacks to the first movie!
  • Blasphemous to the original.

    By Gatekeeperlover260
    Remember everything you loved about Independence Day? The great characters, the occasional comedy, the incredible scenes of destruction and aftermath, the fantastic speech, the great final battle, and the overall amazing film? Well you won't find any of that here. This movie was utter trash. The characters are absolutely terrible, and their extreme lack of urgency is shown throughout the entire film. Even as a ship the size of the entire Atlantic ocean lands, the characters are more worried about their romantic drama than the fate of humanity. The characters are completely emotionless, especially the new ones. The only characters that are remotely good are those that reprised their roles from the original. With how bad these characters are, I feel no sense of sadness when any of them, including the entire president's cabinet, dies. There is no emotion in this film. The scenes of the initial alien arrival are so short in this film, while in the original they are the most remarkable part of the film. The only unique part of the destruction is when the Burj Khalifa is thrown into London. The CGI is especially horrible, you can see towards the end of the film when the explosions of the alien ships look like they are simply copy and pasted. The story is not terrible on its own, but there is just so many storylines jumbled together. You kinda lost track after a while. Why are the aliens here? Oh to stop another alien race from giving the Americans the blueprints to new technology to stop the original aliens from killing other aliens and while we are at it the original aliens are drilling into the Earth's core and they are also.... It just goes on and on. So yeah, just stick with the original, don't watch the sequel.
  • I would put heroin in my vines and laugh how bad this movie is

    By Nicholas becerra
    The worst sequel ever made even possibly the whole movie dosen't make any sense nothing makes sense and i mean nothing. I sat there just wondering were is the magic from the first Independence Day because the first one had characters that we cared about let the action insue. But the sequel is just terrible, not as good as the first and it's very boring to it's core. This is what bordem is everbody even if there going to make a third movie iam pretty sure they will get Will Smith from the first one because he wasn't in this movie.
  • The worst

    By Here's Johnnie
    I wish I was exaggerating when I said this might be the worst movie that has ever come out of Hollywood. I couldn't recommend this to anyone. Just watch the original again if you want to see some aliens.
  • This was unbearable

    By unt@ngled
    Found this rookie acting movie at a thrift store for .99 cents. I wouldn’t have paid 1 penny if I knew it was this bad.
  • Awesome Sequel

    By Guru of Awesomeness
    This is one of the best SciFi Sequel and fun franchises to watch. Don’t listen to rotten tomatoes out the critics that don’t support this flick. Go head take a chance on this movie it’s fun and enjoyable and can’t wait for the 3rd.
  • Ugh

    By Alex h matter
    First off what the hell were you thining making this movie without will smith. NO just no man. This is def one of the worst films ive ever seen. The acript. The directing. The plot wholes. And whoah the horrid acting. What a disaster. How did anyone stamp approval for this film to be released is beyond me. Gurantee the producers and director on beating their heads against the wall right now. What a bad film
