The Hangover Part III

The Hangover Part III

By Todd Phillips

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2013-05-23
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 40min
  • Director: Todd Phillips
  • Production Company: Green Hat Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 8,751 Ratings


It's been two years. Phil, Stu and Doug are happily living uneventful lives at home. Tattoos have been lasered off, files purged. The guys have nearly recovered from their roofie'd nights of Las Vegas and being kidnapped, shot at, and chased by mobsters in Bangkok. The only member of the Wolfpack who's not content is Alan. Still lacking a sense of purpose, he has ditched his meds and given in to his natural impulses in a big way–until a personal crisis forces him to finally seek the help of his three best friends. With no bachelor party and no wedding, what could possibly go wrong? But when the Wolfpack hits the road, all bets are off. It is the epic conclusion to an odyssey of mayhem and bad decisions, in which the guys must finish what they started by going back to where it all began: Las Vegas. One way or another ... it all ends here.



  • The Hangover

    By Rollex De Big Man Boss
    Well I will say the movie it’s quite funny & really very interesting I’d love to watch it over & Over Again “Spectacular”…….
  • Okay i change my mind about this film

    By Nicholas becerra
    The Hangover Part III decided to be like screw it were going to make Heat 2 instead cast the hangover cast. It was dumb, funny and over the top lazy this is what lazy writing is all about think of something hollywood you have the money to do it!
  • Daffy

    By Zero not who
    The movie was cool and the mike Tyson cameo was nuts haha
  • Not a “hangover”

    By Kbear1215
    Although this movie wasn’t anything similar to the first two, other than the characters & experiences they’ve shared together, it was still a decent film. Not many funny scenes either. It was more of a ‘serious’ film as the Wolfpack gang did whatever they had to to save their friend Doug (once again). What kept me intrigued is how risky certain missions were and honestly expecting when a funny moment would occur. This movie contained a lot of backstabbing. It’s just a let down that this movie is a part of the Hangover series due to there not being any type of hangover except at the very end.
  • Regret

    By _timharrison
    I’ve never regretted seeing a movie in theaters more than this one. I went to the very first showing I could. I invited a friend to go with me. I even offered to pay! That’s how sure I was that this would be good. After all, I had just rewatched the first two films. So there we are, at a 10 pm showing on a Thursday. And this abomination happens. The first time I laughed was in the credits. I hated it. I was embarrassed that even though I paid for my friend to go, he still had to sit through this. What happened? How did something this bad get made? There’s no humor. Please do yourself a favor and skip this movie. Watch literally anything else.
  • Boohoo

    By ONESTABB5000
    Why you crybabies complaining on this can’t win them all Todd Phillips is great at what he does
  • Why all the bad reviews?

    By Sam 13 50
    Let's all be honest, the best Hangover movie was the first one and that's how it'll always be. But this movie was very enjoyable. Not as good as the first, but definitely better than the second one.
  • Good movie, not great but worthy to watch...

    By Rezapingotaurio
    From 1 to 10, its almost a 7.
  • EPIC FAIL!!!

    By Cat Del Rose
    I am a huge fan of both Hangover I and Hangover II. After watching Hangover III, I was left wishing I could get back the hour and 40 minutes of my life back that I wasted on watching this. The whole time I was watching Hangover III, I was waiting for it to get better, waiting for the unique brilliance to shine through that Hangover I and II both displayed. This movies comedy was dark and dull and seemed only to cater to the over sized ego of Zak Galifianakis. What the creator of the third Hangover failed to understand was the importance of ALL the cast members. This was an EPIC FAIL!
  • Lame!!!

    By K@Y-C
    Terrible movie. Has nothing to do with hangover
